

The good guy.
Her parents shushed her. Friends advised against it. Unable to decide whether or not she should do what's right and just, she felt smothered by everyone around her. As she was about to pass out from all the "holding her fort against the world on her own" ordeal, two arms wrapped her in them. The warmth of them felt familiar to her body and why should it not? Someone who she had lost to the complexity of her feelings: just came back.

Strengthen by his presence in her life, she found the courage to dig in her heels. She always knew what was the right thing to do so going against the world and the community she was a part of, she filed a complaint about the most heinous crime that can be committed to a woman "Rape".

Forced penetration of a women's body and soul is what "Rape" is. The aftermath is an extension.

On her very first day in court, frightened; she looked around to find some familiar faces to seek some comfort and strength but she found none. Parents, who are supposed to fight the world for their kid: had already surrendered and left their kid to "on her own". Friends, who u choose to be dear and near: were nowhere to be found but all there was not just the crowd because at the back of the courtroom: stood alone and tall "a 5ft man", engaged in a discussion with her lawyer. He met her wandering eyes and she found her missing courage. He looked at her and waved "Hi". She waved back. He pointed at the spot, he would be sitting in and she nodded acknowledging his cue.

Proceedings began and the defending lawyer shot questions after question. Intense and somewhat embarrassing questions were stripping her of her strength. Halfway through the proceeding, she finally broke down. Fallen on her knees, she hid her face between her palms as to trying to hide from the world.

Court felt pity and announced a lunch break of 30 minutes.

He came up to her and picked her up. She stood up. unable to look into his eyes, fragile as a dry leaf; she sank her head into his chest as he hugged her.

Neither spoke a word. Maybe, there was no need or maybe there was no expectation or maybe they didn't just know what to say.

The court reconvened and the proceedings resumed. More embarrassing questions flew around again but this time, she didn't let the questions and the lawyer get to her. Every time she was about to lose herself, he cued her to keep her eyes on him. She understood and followed like a sheep follows the shepherd. The defending lawyer kept asking her to look at him while answering the questions but his words were falling on the deaf ears.

There was something in him. It was like she was swayed by some kind of mystical and hypnotic energy emitting from him. It was not that reliving that painful memory became easy for her but she was able to block out those judgemental and praying eyes of the crowd that froze upon her as the response of the narration of the incident.

People lie but the eyes say it all. Their (crowd's) eyes said what the faces were concealing.

Some eyes had enjoyment in them: the same daze u find urself in when u read erotica while others had blame, the certainty, and predisposition of thoughts that somehow made her the cause of the later effects; As if it was "a lesson long due" for the insubordination of the ground rules laid down by the society for women; As if she had it coming and they (the accused) were mere instruments used to fulfill the punishments. Only a few had sympathy, grief, and rage.

But his eyes. His eyes were different. They were blank. They were like a mirror. In the reflection of which, she could see her old self, the one before all this happened. Her image in his eyes was still untainted. When her own eyes had corrupted her image, it was in his eyes that she could see the purity of her soul and this was what she needed the most to hold her fort; "A peek into the purity of her soul". Though, she found the way to her soul in his eyes.

The first day in court ended and he dropped her off at her place after dinner with her.

He left his number with her before shaking her hand in "Good-Bye". A number that never became busy when she needed it. Always available and always free to talk.

It had been a year since her first day in court. a lot had changed. After the long cloudy days of miss fortune, the light of fortune had finally broken out and was shining on her. Her lawyer was convinced that the court would soon deliver a verdict in their favor. Her parents had finally come to terms with her situation and were accompanying her on her court dates. They had finally gathered the courage to stand beside their daughter. Though, their courage might have come from the shame they felt after seeing a stranger coming to the rescue of their daughter. Their flesh and blood.

The only thing that didn't change was his eyes. After all they had been through together, it was him and those eyes that kept her sane and strong.

7 more months and the case saw its end. The court delivered the verdict in her favor. The nightmare was finally over and even though she could never forget the last 20 months of hell, she could finally put it all behind and move on with her life which came to a halt after the incident.

Months after the verdict, his phone rang. He saw the number flashing on his phone and picked it up.

It was of her mother and she invited him to dinner at their place. It felt strange. In all those years he had known her family and the number of times he had been to her house, he couldn't think of a single time or day that he was paid any heed by her parents, let alone being asked to join them at dinner. Even after all the things he had endured with and for their daughter, they remained unchanged. It wasn't that their ungratefulness made him regret everything, it was just that you feel a bit entitled after an ordeal like this.

Anyways, he did not want to disrespect her parents by refusing their invitation so he decided to join them.

Later that night, the dinner started with all his favorite food on the table and light conversation in the air.

It was refreshing for him to see himself in the and the center of conversations. With time as the dinner prolonged, the topic of conversation changed from light to serious and her parents came around the topic they had in their mind all night.

"You like our daughter. Right?" her mother asked with a serious face.

"What? what are you talking about?". Shocked to hear this from her mother, she jumped on her chair.

Nobody paid any attention to her and what she said.

" So?" Her mother pushed for an answer with her eyes locked on his face.

"I don't like your daughter. I love her," he confessed with ease.

Her mother happy with the answer: looked at her daughter who was already all red and blushing.

"So it's decided then. Let's call your parents and decide on a date for your wedding". Her father joined the conversation.

He waited for 5 minutes after her father finished his last sentence before telling them politely that he couldn't marry their daughter even if he wanted to very badly.

Everything went silent as if the earth had stopped revolving. The air became gloomy.

"So let me get this straight. You love our daughter. You want to marry her badly but u can't marry her. why? does this have anything to do with her being a survivor?" her father boiled in anger; asked.

"Yes to everything u said. I can't marry her because she was raped but not for the reason u think. I have my reasons and they are for the good of your daughter". He responded calmly.

The heat being emitted from the dining table dried up the air around.

He understood the need of the hour and excused himself from the table. He thanked them for their hospitality and left.

As he walked to the door, he stopped in his tracks and turned back one last time to look at her.

When he found her looking at him too, he said," That night before going away with your boyfriend and leaving me behind with my broken heart; you told me that I am a good guy and I would eventually find someone better than u, I realized that I will never be looking for someone else and that u were right; I am a good guy and I wasn't just pretending to be a good guy but let me tell u now that it is not easy to be a good guy. You have to do the right thing even if it will kill u or worse leave u half alive. Good people don't choose to do the right thing based on their convenience and for the virtue of the right thing. They choose to do them because they are the right things to do. Sometimes people don't understand this and end up mistaking good guys for bad ones until late in their lives they understand how wrong they were about the good guys. I hope u will understand this sooner than later and with time forgive me. I love u for sure. I love u to the moon and beyond.

He couldn't risk looking into those beautiful eyes again because if he did look into them again, he might waver from doing what he felt was the right thing to do.

He rushed out of her house and left for a different city the same night.

let me know if u want the next part?

© summerof2000