

Beautiful Bride💝
A boy with his family went to a house to see a girl for his marriage.But when the boy saw the girl..he rejected her. Because she was fat and not match for him. After rejection..The girl felt very upset. Because many boys rejected for her looks. One day The boy's family gave a good news. Their son agreed to marriage her But if The girl did loose her weight and be a smart.
Girl's family agreed. They strictly told the girl to follow a diet. The girl tried and tried.
After many months....the girl looked very beautiful...when the boy saw this time he was falling in love for first time. Then Their marriage was fixed.

The girl and the boy became very friendly and the boy loved the girl so much that he could not believe that once upon a time he rejected her.The day came.....everyone happy.....
The girl looked very beautiful as a bride...as like she felt...she was the most beautiful bride in the world.

Suddenly...the girl felt very week and her breathing rate became abnormal.....she fall down on the floor..

The doctor came and checked her properly....and said that the girl should not follow diet and her health condition was not good.She had hypoxia.But a big problem was that...Her skeletal system were weak and might have paralysis in rest in life.So..she couldn't walk properly...Her husband should know about that.

After hearing this...the boy's family told that they should break up..and said that When she was ugly...it was okay but a paralysis girl became a problem for us...we have only son...so please understood.

The boy was silent. The girl was looked at the boy but the boy left and didn't say anything.
The girl thought....It was my fault.. if I was happy whatever I was...the day was never came...I changed myself for those persons....Whose left me today...But I thought he loved me. she cried a lot...and didn't get any hope....She felt loser...but thought that
I might be physically paralysis but they were already paralysis in minds.

After 2years....
The girl was same as before...fat ugly girl but she had no regret because she felt happy because she was not paralyzed. she could walk and lead a healthy life...But the girl never follow any diet to look herself beautiful because she knew that she could walk..smile..run...do everything and she thought that she was so much beautiful...

Now...she is happy with husband..And her husband was none other than the boy...who left her alone in the marriage day But he came..again to marry her and he cared her so much that her treatment was success.
Now..the boy don't tell her an ugle...he treat the girl as like most beautiful bride one.