

unknown case 711
Oh I see a guy running but how
can I explain. Because the guy was
half man half something else. And
they called it crime 711 it is the Wolf
of pact 711. They were all killed in an
accident. All but one and it crazy
but why did all go away.Well the young
never learn until they become old and wise.An live there lives.And some thought they were normal until told
other wise. creep is always unknown.
Just like poring the rest of something
out of an empty bottle but it's go you
clean up the .The One 711 is space Alien
who knows but all we know is that it is nothing like it on earth. An I can change back and forth to animal and man in a flash of lighting on any day.
But question why? And confusion
Do you know you human and should not be subhuman but most comic books.Had this it was seen now how do we get it and test it. Well you don't have to test me or make things go wrong.
A part of me is still human and it wants
to try you all in a court of law.
For misconduct and not seeing the human in me which was terrored by stuff that to remember is sad am pains me. But I go on and try to erase my mind when it comes to some of the past times.
But I cry out loud and others who
here don't understand why I cry.
It's not just some women. It's an
old lady who saw a lot and sometimes
slowly remember s the old day and crys
about why the situations ended up the way they did.
But if I had a chance to changes things back in the days of the past.I still would have been same in some cases but if I knew I would have been with the people. I would have tried to change time to bring the the 711 cases back around because to me and others.
who did know of them they never
bothered people or should have past.
Covid 19 and what's here now all those people past and now we got shots to help us live through this and pills to
maybe stop it before it starts. So it's
like many plagues or bio terror which
got at the world and still is a huge factor in our lives today. Thank you
For those who call or for those who still care enough to be in search of 711 a case
never on any docket.
© lashes