

Chaos and Wahala

I had a ridiculously long and stressful day today,
My phone's screen broke,
I misplaced my glasses,
My transport fare was stolen,
I had to trek for one hour under the hot scorching sun,
Oh and give your life to Christ you guys, hell fire would be brutal,
That sun was insane,
And to crown it all,
By the time I got home, they haven't even thought of preparing food,
Omo, I wan craze!
The thought of going back home to hot amala and ewedu or rice, stew and plantain kept me going under that devilish sun,
The thought of food gave me strength to not faint and keep pushing,
Now you're telling me there's no food,
What'd you mean gas has finished?
Why on earth would gas finish today of all days?
Have I not suffered enough?
Even Lucifer doesn't deserve this,
God abeg!
I would have to drink garri like this,
After I poured water into my cassava flakes,
My mum called my name,
I carried my bowl of garri to my mother's room only for me to slip and fall when I entered the room,
"Oh, I called you to bring mop,"
Once again, I wan craze,
All my garri don pour,
And that's all the garri in the house,
Omo, olopa ma ko everybody!

© TheKingsSon