

A Quick Lil Rant.
So something I've been noticing recently is I've seen my posts getting more likes than reads and I'd like to talk about it. I don't know if it anyone will see this but I'd appreciate it if people would read the whole poem before leaving a like or just read the poem and not give it a like if you didn't enjoy it.

But I think most of the writers on here would gladly take someone reading their entire work and not leaving a like as compared to just leaving a like without reading. As artists I think we would much appreciate someone taking the time to read our works instead of just randomly leaving a like without even reading it. I don't know but something about that just irks me for some reason. Anyways that's my quick lil rant. Feel free to let me know what you think about this in the comment section. Thanks For reading ❤️💜❤️
© Wyv3rn