

Brother's justice part 1 of 3
Lisa and John were a good looking couple that had spent 6 happy years in marriage. They had got their first child Annie their 4th marriage year, so she was 2years old, they were not so rich but they were a happy family renting there apartment Lisa working at her small grocery store and John at the hospital as a dentist and that's how they used to live their lives in a small town. Until one day when John was told about his sick mother, John loved his mother alot that he had to go see her,so he decided to quit his job because his mother's house was too far to come to work each day and yet she didn't want to live her home. She used to tell to John as a child that the house was her home, memories and joyful place and she could never live it for any other home. Since John knew his mother's love for the house,he knew she wouldn't want to live it, so he decided to stay with his family at his mother's house so that she could have some one totake care of her .Lisa had no problem with his decision since she knew how much he loved his mother.So they organised and shifted to Sunny valley,where John's mother lived and Started to live with her. John got a job by the nearby hospital and Lisa stayed at home with John's mother and little Annie. Since John's mother was too old, she decided to make her will and entrust the house in John's names before she dies and did so she called her lawyer to start on it, the lawyer came and upon making the will John and his wife had to be present , while making the will, Mr. Albert the Lawyer, asked" if you dedicate everything to John how about your other son Miss Landerson, what shall you entrust for him? " John's mother, Miss Landerson answered" Ken may be my son too but he is not so responsible I can't leave my beloved house and farm to him, remember Mr. Albert he has taken long to even take his time visit me, last time he came in such a punic with a huge bag , locked it in the visitors room and went with the keys.i even tried calling him but he didn't respond to my calls, and now it's been 2years since I last heard from him. I gave up on him. Mr.Albert agreed with the old lady and made her will entrusted to John , after a time ,Mr Albert left. But after this happening, John had a question running in his mind .Asking himself what his brother was carrying in that bag that he was carrying that last day mom had seen him , and why did he saddenly become so mysterious ?,yes he used to take long with out getting in touch with the family but still this was to long. So he decided to break the door open of the room where he locked the bag, because he was worried about his brother's well being, because although he wasn't a family type of person, he was still his brother. So he made an arrangement and broken the door and seen the talked about big bag and started walking to wards it with some little fear, lean closer to open it. Opening it to his suprise shockingly found it full of gold bars and a note stating "Dear mother if you have seen this note it means i am no more and really sorry for the pain I am bringing to you and my brother. I have been working with some of my friends but we're not getting enough money, as you know the city life need for expenditure, but one of my friends had his friend who was offering to us a small job that was paying a really good amount of money and I couldn't resist and accepted the job, they took all 4 of us that night and reaching the job's destination we're to
To be continued in next part: Brother's justice part 2.
hope you enjoy.