

Henry 8 of England
•He was the king from 1509 to 1547 ( became at the age of 18)

•Known as the craziest king of England.

•He was actually famous for his love life, as out of six marriages he beheaded two of his wives because they couldn't provide him with a son.

•He was a handsome man in his younger years, who later became obese.

•Though, he is also famous for one more thing. As the pope did not grant him a divorce, he broke from the Catholic Church and created the Church of England, which made England an enemy to Catholic countries.

•He not only created his own religion, but while translating he did some changes in the Bible.

•One of the changes was in the Lord's prayer. Now it ends as "For thine is the kindness, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen" Though it's different from the format in the gospel, but it is scriptural and theologically correct.

•And actually that is added to the Lord's prayer said now. So one guy's crazy decision ended up making him remember through his words.