

Bullet to Bullet
#FBI Headquarters/USA
(Jack Robert) Come, it's not late, we must arrive on time.
(Mike Watson) Hey, Jack the director will be there, too, right?
(Jack) Sure,and the Mayor of Miami, too, it gonna be very excited. There'll be mission to go, dude
(Mike) Maybe, your right, there'll be misson. Anyway what time is it?
(Jack) It's quater past eight,there still 20 minutes more. Look there's Tom, he look sweating, i think he just get out of bed.
(Mike) I think so here he come. Hey Tom how are you?
(Tom Wayne) Fine, ..... i thought it meeting time, why don't we go in?
(Mike) No, i.'m not going in now, it's not on time yet, it just quater past eight.
(Tom) Oh, so i'm early, i'm i?
(Jack) Sure, C'mon don't waste time, let's go to the office and check some recent document or new messeage.
(Mike/Tom) Okay,let's go.
(door unlock and open by Jack)
(Tom) I'm really glad, that we have time to file our recent documents and read some latest messeage.
(Jack) Hey, do you guys want some coffee?
(Mike) Sounds good, i'd like white coffee please?
(Tom) Me too
(Jack) Okay i'll be back in a moment!
[Then Jack leave the office]
(Mike) Well, now Jack gone. So we can read some new messsage, for a while.
(Tom) Good idea.
[They start clicking on the keyboard scrolling, then they get one important messeage.]
(Tom) Hey, look at this messeage, from mayor of Miami, he say that '' there are arm terrorist hiding in Miami, he need FBI help'' what do you think of it?
(Mike) Sounds interesting, maybe the meeting is about that, i guess?
[Jack came back with the coffee in his hand]
(Jack) Dude here's your coffee.
(Tom) Jack did you already read this messeage, from mayor of Miami saying there a group of arm terrorist hiding in Miami, and the mayor said he need FBI helps, great right?
(Jack) Yeah, so that mean we have mission to go, dude!
[Mike sip his coffee and answer]
(Mike) I like that phrase, dude!
[15 minute pass and now it time for the meeeting]
(Tom) Look it's half pass eight, let's go to the meeting room.
(Jack) You're right, C'mon let's go.
[The agents leave their office and headed for the meeting room.]
(Max Smith) Hey, where are you guys? i'm waiting you here for so long, but you never show up.
(Mike) Well, we're at the office checkimg new messeage.
(Max) Great, do you find something special?
(Tom) Oh yes, the meeting will be about it.
(Max) What about?
(Jack) You'll find out later.
[FBI Director entered and start the short meeting]
(Mr.Johnson) Good day, agents, so today our meeting will be about terrorist, and the Mayor of Miami, will tell us more information about the terrorist who is hiding in Miami. So now present Scott Novak Mayor of Miami.
[Agents start clapping their hands]
(Scott) We all know that people can travel from one place to other without difficulties, so that means even bad people can travel to commite crime in other place,too. Now in Miami, there a rummour saying that there is a group of arm terrorist hiding in Miami. So i decided to get some help from the FBI, and do whatever they can to save Miami.
(Max) Sir, what nationality are those terrorist?
(Scott) Well of of my partner says that they're from Italy.
(Jack) Sir, is their force big or small?
(Scott) That question is very important, according to the international news 85%are big 15% are small.
(Mr.Johnson) And what you're gonna do with the problem?
(Scott) Well, i'm thinking of leading an investigation and assault.
(Mr.Johnson) I'm please to hear that, i'll form 5 teams to do the job.
(Scott) Sounds good Mr.Johnson, i like your plan. Well good bye Mr.Johnson, and good luck with the meeting agents.
[Agents then start clapping for Mr.Novak]
(Mr.Johnson) So for my plan, in each team there 7 person, this is an all male mission.So on 22 of May we will meet each other right here and stat our mission.But remember this, our first mission is to investigate them(the terrorist), the last will be the assault. So i'm afraid our meeting end at this minute, the agent for the mission will be choose by today at 12 o'clock.
[The agents start clapping again, then they all when back to their office]
[ After they enter the office, they stay silent and do their work on the pc, until it time for luch half past 12]
(Jack) Great day, isn't it, i hope we'll get the mission.
(Mike)Me too
(Max) Me too
(Tom) Yeah, right, C'mon let go to McDonald, and have lunch.
(Max) Sounds good, dude!
(Jack) Well, what are we waiting for, let's go.
[Then they leave the office when they meet Ron the director assitant]
(Ron) Hey guys, here is your mission files, we already choose.
[The agent start checking the files]
(Max) There are our names here, and three other agent who we like best James, Tyler, Robin. Great right. C'mon don't just stand here let go for lunch.
(Jack) I'm very excited about mission, i can't wait for it to start.
[ They all get into Jack car, then jack drove off to McDonald]
#McDonald restaurant
(Tom) We're here, let's get order, bro.
(waiter) What would you like sir?
(Jack) I'd like a hot dog fried chicken and milk shake.
(waiter) And what would you like?
(Mike) And i have two glass of coke and fish sandwich.
( Max) I have like a hamburger and hot chocolate.
( waiter) Your order will be ready soon.
(Tom) What you forget me!
(waiter)Oh, sorry sir, i didn't see you,what you do you want?
(Tom) I like a fish, i mean er.....tuna sandwich and a glass of milk shake, please?
(waiter) I'll be back with your lunch in a minute.
[Jack then starts checking on his phone then he found an interesting news]
(Jack) Hey, do you guys know Jeff Alpha?
(Max) Yeah, why?
(Jack) He was shot in the shoulder and then he pass out, when he recovered, he said he was shot by a man wearing a black suit. Strange?
(Tom) Maybe, it was the terrorist who hide in Miami.
(Max) iI hope that they not gonna get the mayor.
(Mike) Don't talk such nonsense stuff, dude.
[After a few minutes of chatting the waiter bring the food]
(waiter) Here's your order.
(Jack) It's look great! let's tuck-in.
[ The agents then finish their lunch]
(Mike) Can we have the check please?
(waiter) All your lunch cost 150$, and here the tips.
(Jack) I could handle the tips.
[Jack then take out 100 and 50 dollars note out of his wallet and put it in the tips]
(Tom) Kay, let's go home.
(Jack) Yeah, let's.
[The agents then leave the restaurant and headed for Jack car]
(Jack) Okay, i'll drop Tom first, second Mike, and the last Max, are you okay with that, dude?
(Mike/Tom/Max) Sounds good, dude.
[Jack start the ignition then drove off, he drop all his friends and their place then he leave for his house]
(Jack) Balto, unlock the door boy!
(Bato) Whoof, whoof [he start unlocking the door]
#Jack house
(Jack) You're a good boy, C'mon want to watch TV.
[Jack then change in to his odinary clothes and headed for the living]
(Jack) Okay, Balto what do you want to watch?
(Balto) Whoof, whoof, whoof
(Jack) Huh, you want to watch wildlife show, okay here we go!
[Jack then turn on the TV and watch the show from part to part until it half pass 6]
(Jack) Ooh, it's half pass six, it time to make dinner.
[He go to the kitchen, and make spahetti with chop pork]

(Jack) Balto, here's your cereal, boy.
(Balto) Whoof.
[Jack finish his dinner, then he wash the dish and headed for his computer for some new email]
(Jack) Well there's, no new email. I'm going to bed now.
[Then he shut his PC, and went straigth to bed]
To be continue to part two............