

Silence -1

It was a dark night . Sona was in 5th class . She was a silent , introvert girl still an intelligent and self dependent. She was mature enough more than her age . She had faced fights of neighbours , parents and many things already . Her buai ( her father's sister' husband) had very great relations with her family . Sona's grandmother had 7 children . One her father , 5 her uncles and 1 her aunt , who's husband(her buai) was a rich person and had luxurious life . Her father was so close to Tumb( her buai) and acted like brothers . Once Sona's brother (Son of one of her uncles ) had his marriage. Tumb usually stays at Sona's house because of closeness of her father and him. Tumb was going to sleep with Sona and everybody was going to sleep in different rooms . When Sona slept with her Buai Tumb something unusual happened......

Next part soon .
support me with plenty likes so that I can release next part ..
This story is totally based on a true story , It's not fictional yet so common but interesting and sad.