

Dating Him Ch.16
I left the hospital the next day.Dr Chris gave me his card and asked me to call anytime.He was happy we had the same names and told me it was a sign.He was not a very good looking male but his gentleness was very appealing.He came to my room early that sunday morning to see if I slept well.
I was very much better and hungry.He sent for breakfast for me and sat on my bed while I ate.

"Christa if you don't have a father to your child,I'll be glad to play that role." Dr Chris told me very amused.

"Dr please stop kidding me.I'm not virgin Mary." I replied smiling.

I wondered why he was so nice to me.He made me forget the stress of having to tell Him this horrible news.

Dr Chris kept me deliberately in the hospital till his shift was over ,then he proposed dropping me at my place.I found that too nice and disturbing.Fortunately Mary came over and I left with her.

"Christa what did you and that Dr do behind my back? You guys sounded so familiar.Please tell him you have a man in your life and avoid trouble." Mary said while driving me home.
I was so surprised that i clapped my hands in astonishment.

"Mary since when did you become Him's lawyer?You don't like Him remember?" I replied.

"Now I like Him.He did a good job by getting you pregnant.I'll make sure no one steps in to give Him an excuse to elope."

She was so serious that I got frightened at the whole issue once more.
My sadness reappeared and I felt like crying again.Him had not called since the phone incident.I did not dare try his number again.I was not sure he will pick up my call so I decided to stay low for some time.
At home Mary volunteered to make something good for me to eat and cleaned up my home .She called Jim and explained to him why I could not come to work and I was given a weeks rest.
Mary was so nice to me.

The whole week ran out so fast.I was very hungry every now and then and always,sleeping.I had to inform my elder sister Rebecca I was pregnant.She did not seem very irritated like i expected her to be.
My family was a funny one.Haven lost our parents early we grew up under very difficult circumstances.We were just two of us and at adult age it was a mind your business kind of relationship that we shared.
Rebecca was maried to a military man who was always absent and she had to cater for her five children all by herself.She really had nothing important to tell me other than 'be wise' .
She talked very little and was very composed.I was all the reverse.

One week without any news from Him.I could not stand another day without talking to Him. I decided to call.His phone rang for two seconds he picked up the call.

"I expected you to put your pride aside Christa and call your man." Him said with this serious voice of him i knew.

I smiled.I was happy he missed me too.I wanted to create a scene but i rapidly came back to order.So many things were going on in my brain at the same time.How would I tell this man I'm pregnant ?

"Daddy I'm pregnant for you..."
© Abigail Ek.