

First time ever: Chapter 3 Trouble


Those eyes are still on me, I don’t know what to do.

Suddenly a group of boys appear on the class door laughing and enjoying the fight. The one who was beating him having the brown chocolate hair with dark brown eyes. The one who beat by him was still on my bench.

“You dumbass what you think you are doing” said Kavya by breaking my thought bubble.

Then a professor came in sight of all of us by passing the crowd.

“What is going on here?” asked professor. Now there is pin dropped silence no one is whispering and laughing.

After that she took both of them with her to the principal office.

I’m still worried about why the fight was taken by him is he in trouble maybe girl problem or maybe he took the loan of some amount from him. I don’t know why I’m thinking all this none of my problem.

As our Economics professor started the chapter KNOCK on the door.

“Two students are called in principal office, both first bench girls” said the pion.

Class started whispering. Me and kavya exchange the looks even professor also glaring at as with confused eyes.

First day of college and calling in office is not good omen for me.

After taking permission with professor we headed to the office. As we taken permission of coming in office the first think that came to seen is him again. Our eyes locked. I’m wondering why he always glare with that angry shots.

“So you were the girls who saw everything” said the principal. “Now tell me who started the fight Mayank or Aditya ”. Principal pointed finger on both names so the one who got beaten is Mayank and the other one seems to be leader of a boy gang is Aditya.

“I saw that mayank got beaten by Aditya, Sir" said Kavya glaring on heated way on Aditya.

I just dont want to caught in trouble so it's good for me to ignore both of them in taking sides.

"Okay both of you can go to your class" said the principal and I thank God that kavya answered the one because I don't want to get in trouble.

After the class in lunch time we both headed towards canteen discussing about the points of eco class. Suddenly a boy came across us we both jumped surprisingly. Vibes are not good it feels like devil came across. Aditya.

He gives us that devil smirk but some how it suits him.

"So you try to save that asshole huh " his jaw clenched when he said it.

"Ohh so you got trouble in that big man" angrily kavya reply him.

I try to push her hand in backward position trying to say that it's not good to take fight with him.

"See boys, she thinks I'm big huh"

all boys started laughing. Now this was off limit.

" I think you take it in wrong way she didn't mean your dick she meant your ass hole" I'm so proud of myself because the frown on his face with anger makes me smart and like I can take stand for my self.

His group started laughing then he give the side glare to his group that glare is full of anger. kavya is also looking proudly to me

He catch my wrist and pull me closer to him all the books in my hand fall on the ground my other hand is on his chest i can feel his heartbeat on that.

He whispered in my ear" Are you trying to push my edges queen because I don't like this if you want my beast to hunt you down if you want that then only try to provoke me"

I'm just frozen in my place just like I don't know what just happen his whispers gives me goosebumps . My eyes locked with him he smell like coffee oh God I don't know that I hate that this is the last fragrance is going to me my favorite.

He released me and walk away not looking back and I'm frozen in my place.

God knows his devil is going to break my soul or will heal me.

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