

Diary of the Teenage girl 1
To that Christian teenage girl who's after purity as a lifestyle, if a young man approaches you and tells you he loves you, he can't live without you, he can't breathe or infact ever since he set his eyes on you he hasn't been able to sleep, please tell him to face the wall ,you are not his type of girl cause his words for now are BIG FAT LIES. If he loves you as he claims, he should do the necessary in the open and not the opposite in secret .

You are a unique girl with so much beauty God has placed so much in you . you are a whole generation. in you lies so many destinies. you are beautiful inside and out. you are full of life and virtue, you shouldn't let that young man truncate your dreams all in the name of Love. A love that will cause you your Pride and virtue. A love that will leave you destroyed and helpless when all is over.
See dear , do not let that young man lure you into bed sake of proving any love. As a teenage girl your visions and dreams should be your priorities not boyfriend. Study to show yourself approved... says the holy book.
Dear not every of your friends mean well for you, most of them will stop at nothing to see you in regrets and shame so they can mock you.
My teenage friend your out most priorities should be pleasing the Lord and making your parents proud...
To be continued...
_Isinma Justina
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