

Developing Schools
If the word school is still uttered today, we remember our school days; Having fun with those friends, spending time on the field, being punished for not finishing homework, and the teacher who seemed so harsh ... We used to study with nice activities all year round and then come the exams. In such an environment of exams, it was a different kind of fun and in order to get good marks in the exams, one had to study hard or happily.
Now the school is experiencing a dramatic change. The black board in the school has been replaced by a white board. In some places it has even become a digital board. While all was going well, the corona changed the whole picture .... The course had to be abandoned halfway through, the voice of the students on the field disappeared and the student was doing digital learning. And even though we call it Digital India, the Internet is yet to reach many villages. So the government decided to cancel the exam, so all the students are jumping for joy, but the cancellation of the exam did not solve the problem. In fact, the exam is an assessment of what we have learned from the hard work done throughout the year and if there is no assessment, we will not realize what we have achieved. College or school curricula are often such that the next curriculum depends on the previous class. For example, if we learn addition and subtraction in the second class, the examples in the third class can be solved easily.
In this changing education system not only students but also teachers need to be updated. New technology should be used. Nowadays the curriculum changes every two or three years then the curriculum starts to come back until it takes some time for teachers to understand and teach students. Today's education is purely in the form of a book. The student and the teacher are not allowed to think about anything outside the book. So the student cannot think freely. The one who came in the first five was a very clever misconception before; Luckily the number system was stopped by the government. Art, work experience, physical education, music, etc. give students the opportunity to showcase their art.
Many people prefer English schools over Zilla Parishad schools. Recently, many schools are on the verge of closing due to lack of children. This does not mean that Zilla Parishad schools do not educate children; Many great leaders, famous veterans have learned from this Zilla Parishad school. As far as English is concerned, the government has started English schools but the mentality of the people is still with other schools. When it is said that complete education is given in English from childhood, it seems that Marathi is far away. Now the education was going on before school, then new classes like Kinder Play, KG1, KG2 came in. The change is great; Students are fond of education and discipline from childhood but it deprives them of their childhood.
Such schools and teaching methods are changing day by day. And looking at the changing lifestyles, this change is also positive. If you look back a few years, you will notice a wonderful difference. I am sure that after reading the above article, you will also feel the change in your school, your partner, your school fun and so on.