

Nightmare: The Murder
She was an innocent child. More innocent than any other child of her age. She was an intellectual child. More intellectual than any other child of her age. She was an independent child. More independent than any other child of her age. She was a bold child. Bolder than any other child of her age.

Despite all this. She could be the devil whenever she wanted. But she never became one.

She is just a thirteen-year-old girl. With the mind of a 23-year-old. She was one of those girls in her school who never was popular and left out to verbally or physically abused by other children. She was a normal child. She had a strong stand. She was high spirited and energetic. Moreover, she was a born leader.

She knows how to fight for her place in this world and what she needs to survive. She has the warriors blood and a body full of vengeance. And if she tries her best, it's just enough to consume them for once and all.

Lucknow, India

"So we are going to be here for the rest of our lives? No way, people. I have a dream. A career plan. I need to follow that. I cannot stay here."

"You are not. We are here just for a month." Her mother said.

"Okay, then I hope we are moving back to Mumbai soon."

"Why do you hate this place so much? It's great. you will love it. After all, this place is safer for girls than Mumbai." Her father asked, feeling irritated.

"No, you are wrong. Lucknow and Mumbai are the same in fact, pa. I want to go back to Kerala. I love that place."

"We are north Indians. Then why are you smitten by South India? And that place is so rural compared to North India. And let me warn you. Stop making any fuss. We are not going back until next month. That's when your Pa's job here will be over." Her mother said strictly.

"Oh ma, you know I am ultra stubborn," she said while curving her lips into a naughty smile.

Her mother smiled back. And turned away to the kitchen. Her father placed himself in front of the television watching the news. She ran up to her new room. She was really excited. And a bit upset that she has to live in this city for the coming month. She closed the door to her room. She glanced across the room one more time. And she unpacked her bag and took out her wireless headphone and tab. She played her favourite song by Alan Walker: Different World. She had the bad habit of increasing her volume to full while listening to music. With the vibration of the music pumping from her ears to the very tip of her nerves she never knew what was happening downstairs. She started unpacking and arranging her things. She went back to the memory.

Her house. Her friends. Her parents. Her life.

These things are really precious for her. These are her sacred memories. She changed into a pair of shorts and a crimson collar shirt. He laid down on her bed. She slowly rested her head on the pillow. And closed her eyes. Took a deep breath. She thought of all the moments with her parents. Right from the beginning. Right from the point when she first went to school and her father told her she is special. And her mother told her that she is bold. These two words were well enough for her to feel that she can nail it. Even though her parents praised her to sky limit, she never rose from the earth; she was eternally down to earth. She revisited the memories of her birthdays. Every time she saw her parents happy, she was more content than ever. She left like she didn't need anything else in her life. Just watching their happy faces made her feel that the intention of her life is fulfilled. She went back to the memories where her mother and father stood by her side and fought against the backstabbers and frauds. Even though she felt a bit of sorrow in those memories. The happiness of being with her parents made her feel better. After a few minutes, when she came back from her reveries. Because she was starving. She could hear rumbling noises from the inside of her stomach. The music was still pumping into her ears. She got up from her bed. Suddenly the smiley ball that was on her lap rolled down to and the floor and then beneath the bed. She went under the bed to take it. She did not hear the word open and close behind her. The music was too loud for her to hear the clicking of guns and roars of the men who held them. She took the ball and sighed. It was a hell of dust beneath her new bed. She concluded to clean it and started walking towards the door unknowing that the men with the guns are at the front door. They were convinced that all of her family is no more. She opened the door other room. The men with guns closed the front door. She strides down the stairs to get some food. She came downstairs. And turned only to see the blood-covered body of her father on the same seat where he was when she left. Her mother in front of him. Right at His feet. Her face facing the front door. She was shot in the abdomen and in the neck. Fatal injuries. She ran to her father's side. He was shot point-blank. It killed him. But it seemed like the killers we're not satisfied. She shot him multiple times, on the trunk of his body. She fell on her knees between both the bleeding bodies. Tears danced within the enclosure of her eyes as she closed them.

Her eyes shot open. Definitely, that was a hell of a nightmare. She just witnessed the brutal death of her parents. The people she loved the most. She will never be able to handle such a situation. She was confused. Was it just a dream? Isn't it?

She ran down.

And saw her parents joyful. She sighed and went upstairs. Locked the room and continued listening to the song. She took the smiley ball in her hands. As soon as she was gone........

"Tuck tuck....." A knock on the door.

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