

Ancient Star Maps And Stonehenge
Ancient civilizations each had different star mapping techniques.
However, some were crudely mapped.
I believe it is possible to map the stars in a more accurate way manually.
Tree sap or some other moldable translucent material would be evenly molded into a bowl or dome shape and fixed in an elevated crows nest position above a plain, a seat underneath it with a brace for the observers head.
I believe one could, to an incredibly accurate degree, record the position of celestial bodies and their path with a marking tool or dye.
Each day, month, and year having a stored dome mold that would fit over the previous.
A square and compass could accurately mark the path of the sun, moon and stars in their rotational path, setting, and rising positions.
After about a decade or two of constant observation and recording could make it possible to predict an objects position thousands of years in the future and past using mathematics.
Making possible the prediction and timing of seasons, crops, eclipses, and years.
We are told that the techniques in which Stonehenge was planned is a mystery.
Could this be how this and other celestially connected structures and areas were made?
© Sebastian Grey