

Victim Number Seven
I know so much about myself, enough to know that you'll eventually break me. You won't even realize it or intend to. I will frame you for my death, paint you as my killer, but the truth is that, I have always been dead from the start. I have always been broken. So run as fast as you can, don't look my way even for a second, cause I'll always be the victim.

I secretly want someone to fix me, but no one can do that. To make matters worse I target people who can't be available for me at all. People am not free with, people I'll be able to blame and I will definitely have proof, evidence to put on their face, to show them they are heartless...mean and that's very ugly.

In my mind I really want love, but if I was to be honest, I don't know if I can handle love, if I can accept genuine love. Am scared to find out, I can't really be intimate, that I can't feel love at all. So I set myself up with people, who will push me away, people who can not love me. That way I'll never find out or see how really damaged I am. My trick is to sell them my love theory and struggle to show them my angelic side, that's what am good at, running away from reality.

I have never intentionally planned all this, it just happens naturally, but I am tired, I got tired. I have been trying to change my ways and I avoid putting myself in complicated situations. I want to be better, but it's just so hard alone. I don't know how to take care of myself, let alone guard my heart. At times I don't know what to think or do, how to deal with everything. Too much to carry, but am kinda strong am told. Maybe I'll make it by myself...or maybe I won't.

You don't seem interested in me, ironically that's what makes you more interesting to me. But this time I will walk away, I will do the right thing. It's so easy for me to trap you, but I won't. I know how the story goes, where and how it ends and it's just a waste of time. I know because I wrote the script and you're not going to be my first victim. You will kill me, break my broken heart and it will mess you cause am genuinely great, nice, good...but sadly not for you.

© The Magic