Effects of Social isolation caused by Corona
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?But no one knew when it's going to end. Everyone feared not to get infected. People were over protective and worshiping their preferred religions. Corona virus has started from China and spread all over the world. The death toll is increasing daily , more active patients are found, some recovered, some are still in isolation and some recovered patients are again getting infected. This is too much deadly. And still no antidote is found. Doctors, Nurses, Mincipals and police also are doing and playing a great and vital role,They are staying away from there families and loved ones, and people are still careless ,not protecting themselves, not co-operating in lockdowns, not staying quarantine and so on....
If we think over it it's not actually a disease it's a punishment to us from Almighty Allah because there is not a single person who is really devoted , pure to their religions , and not doing that what our religions taught us. There no any religion which tells or commands to suppress other religions and castes. One religion is suppressed by another religion. People suppressed others on their own.And Almighty has shown what you have done by taking the world in your hands. As suppression is restricted and prohibited in all the religions on the earth. This is why Allah is punishing us by covid_19.Its actually a mirror to all the sins we committed. This virus has killed all our happiness, all our dreams,our education and dedicated. It has limited us , from going outside,from meeting loved ones, from our schools,no one is allowed to move,everyone fears, no one is safe at every place.So we have to be pure and devoted to our preferred religions, that Allah will forgive us and send his own antidote to this deadly virus. There are still some people who are devoted to their preferred religions but because of those who aren't, they too are facing this problem. Because students were pursuing their dreams, employees were earning their livelihood, Labrours were earning by harsh work for their families. Government Employees will still get their income from govt., privates may or may not get half of their daily wages, students can still study not their full syllabus but some because online classes have been introduced, but if we talk about the students of UT J&K students can't still study and can't because there is no service of 4G internet and in other countries this service is really available ,Online classes are going on with buffering and voice problem, students aren't getting what their teacher really want to convey. In nutshell, we should praise our preferred religions so this deadly virus can vanish away from our lives .And we will be really happy again, free to move, free to do things outside homes, and we will be pursuing our dreams and Aims . This distance between people will be removed. Everything will be same as before, no fear of any virus, no fear of moving out, no fear of isolation and all, safe at every place, free to give where we love.
© Syed_Taiba
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?But no one knew when it's going to end. Everyone feared not to get infected. People were over protective and worshiping their preferred religions. Corona virus has started from China and spread all over the world. The death toll is increasing daily , more active patients are found, some recovered, some are still in isolation and some recovered patients are again getting infected. This is too much deadly. And still no antidote is found. Doctors, Nurses, Mincipals and police also are doing and playing a great and vital role,They are staying away from there families and loved ones, and people are still careless ,not protecting themselves, not co-operating in lockdowns, not staying quarantine and so on....
If we think over it it's not actually a disease it's a punishment to us from Almighty Allah because there is not a single person who is really devoted , pure to their religions , and not doing that what our religions taught us. There no any religion which tells or commands to suppress other religions and castes. One religion is suppressed by another religion. People suppressed others on their own.And Almighty has shown what you have done by taking the world in your hands. As suppression is restricted and prohibited in all the religions on the earth. This is why Allah is punishing us by covid_19.Its actually a mirror to all the sins we committed. This virus has killed all our happiness, all our dreams,our education and dedicated. It has limited us , from going outside,from meeting loved ones, from our schools,no one is allowed to move,everyone fears, no one is safe at every place.So we have to be pure and devoted to our preferred religions, that Allah will forgive us and send his own antidote to this deadly virus. There are still some people who are devoted to their preferred religions but because of those who aren't, they too are facing this problem. Because students were pursuing their dreams, employees were earning their livelihood, Labrours were earning by harsh work for their families. Government Employees will still get their income from govt., privates may or may not get half of their daily wages, students can still study not their full syllabus but some because online classes have been introduced, but if we talk about the students of UT J&K students can't still study and can't because there is no service of 4G internet and in other countries this service is really available ,Online classes are going on with buffering and voice problem, students aren't getting what their teacher really want to convey. In nutshell, we should praise our preferred religions so this deadly virus can vanish away from our lives .And we will be really happy again, free to move, free to do things outside homes, and we will be pursuing our dreams and Aims . This distance between people will be removed. Everything will be same as before, no fear of any virus, no fear of moving out, no fear of isolation and all, safe at every place, free to give where we love.
© Syed_Taiba