

Later when the sun is down, me and Edward are waiting in the balcony for my mom to join.

Frightened of Everything happened last month, I controlled to stay focused in the future.

"What the heck happened now?" Ed enquired.

I didn't look up to him but just smiled.

"Look How people are...." I say.

He sighed.

"Annie...Are you still thinking about him?" He asks.

"I can't stop thinking! How the heck can I be okay?" I ask.

"Because You can be" he says and I sighed angrily.

"People are dying to get into your panties! And you are the one who never understand" he shouts as if he is jealous.

"What if I was pregnant?" I ask him.

He stared at me, his eyes wide open.

"You are what now?" he asks.

"I don't know...but I feel like" I say and he looked away.

"Seriously?" he asks.

"Seriously!" I say and he laughs.

"I should have known" he scoffed.

"Known what? you are going to be father?" I ask.

"Or the man who tried to kill me, last month is gonna come back?" I ask and he shakes his head and laughs.

"Oh really. I was talking about the baby!" He says and laughs.

"I thought...Babies were allergic for you" I say and he nods no.

"Of course not! No! I love babies!" he says and smiles.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah!" he says and grins like an idiot.

And that's how, Annie broke her surprise to Edward.



Author's note:

It's fiction!

© Henil Jaju