

My name is Eveline. Last name doesn't really matter, but most people call me Eveline T. Today is my birthday. I'm seventeen today. Today also happens to be the day I finally tell my best friend the truth. I'm sure you're wondering what the truth is so let me bring you up to speed.
From the time in third grade when Ronny stood up for me in front of Madison I've had feelings for him. Then we got real close so I ended up becoming his best friend.

I felt so much like telling him but didn't wanna ruin his friendship. Then he started dating and Ellie hurt him so now I feel I can just go up to him and say it.
We are meeting at my favorite museum. He wants to give me something for my birthday. Can't wait!!

At the museum.
I've been here for an hour or more. Where is Ronny???
It looks like he's not gonna be here. Might as well get some food and leave.
"How may I help you?"--random girl
"Yeah I'd like a corn dog and some Lickerish please"--Eveline
"sorry"--random girl
"what do you mean??"--Eveline
" hello???"--Eveline

Eveline feels a hand around her waist and turns quickly.
" ah jeez you scared me!"
Ronny laughs.
"what's up" he says.
"you made me wait so long. I thought you wouldn't show."--Eveline
" I could never"--Ronny
"what's so special about this place"--Ronny
" let's sit first"--Eveline
"there's something I've been meaning to tell you"--Eveline
Random girl bumbps into Eveline spilling juices all over her.
" yo what the hell!!"--Eveline
"I'm so sorry, let me get you a napkin"--random girl
" forget it!!"--Eveline
To Ronny,"I'll be back"
She storms to the bathroom and tries to get off the stains.
Random girl enters.
Eveline turns around to find out who's just entered.
"I'm so sorry"-- random girl.
Eveline rolls her eyes.
" you're so much different from how I imagined you to be"--random girl
"what do you mean. you don't know me"--Eveline
" oh but I do. you see we have a lot in common than you actually know. so much in common, like I'm also Eveline"--random girl
" oh wait. I guess I forgot this"--random girl
*takes if her hoodie and reveals her face*
"I'm also your doppel..."--random girl
(in shock)" ganger!"-- Eveline
Eveline screams and is immediately attacked by her doppelganger.
"what do you want from me?"--Eveline
" everything. I lost my old life and Ronny and everyone. Yours is still intact and I need it."--random girl
"let me go"--Eveline
" never"--random girl.
*she injects Eveline and locks her in the stall, then waters all her clothes and goes out*
"Hey Ron"--Eveline(doppelganger)
" hey, what took so long"--Ronny
"just trying to get the stain out, no biggie"--Eveline(doppelganger)
" cool. so you wanted to tell me..?"--Ronny
"oh yeah. I like you like you"--Eveline(doppelganger)
" yhh?"--Eveline(doppelganger)
*smiles* "I like you too, for some time now...just couldn't tell you"--Ronny
" really?!! well I'm glad I said something. so now what? "--Eveline(doppelganger)
*Ronny leans in and places his fingers on her cheek while waiting for approval. Eveline smiles, leans in and kisses Ronny*
" I could get used to that"--Eveline(doppelganger)
"Yeah me too..oops I'm late for practice, I gotta go. I'll call you yeah?"--Ronny
" sure. bye"--Eveline (doppelganger)
*kisses him on the cheek*
After Ronny leaves, Eveline(doppelganger) moves back into the bathroom and Eveline up.
As she gets up,Eveline (doppelganger) begins sharpening her knife. She is able to quickly figure out the situation and jumps on her doppelganger. Eveline asks again what she wants and she tells her "everything"
They begin to fight and soon Eveline(doppelganger) gets weak. At this point they begin to chat a little.
"what did you do to Ronny"--Eveline
" I loved him. better than you could. I told him what you couldn't and I kissed him the way you could never"--Eveline(doppelganger)
Eveline get angry an presses the knife against her neck. They are so loud some of the security men approach the door trying to figure out the problem.
They try to open the door but it's locked.
"I don't know where you came from or how you got here but I am going to end you"--Eveline
She stabs her doppelganger multiple times and in the process the door swings open.
She immediately gets up and drops the knife. They then hold out their guns and cuff her.
Some minutes after Eveline(doppelganger)'s body is taken away by the ambulance and while no one was watching she quickly jumped out.
She turns to the police cars and gives a salute to Eveline before leaving.
Eveline begins to shout but is seen to be trying to resist. She is forced into the vehicle and sent to the station. She tries to explain she was defending herself. No one believes her.
Will she be able to get out and stop her doppelganger before she does any harm to her friends or family?
Or will she stay and rot in jail and suffer?


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