

When love dies (Chapter 17)
He looked at me and smiled, but I barely notice because I'm in aw. I've never seen so many roses. I smell each one I walk by. And by the time I reach the table, I've smelled most of them. Titan comes up to me and wiped my nose. "That much pollen on your nose a bee might think your a flower." My face got hot. I looked at the table. "So, what's for lunch?"
"Do you like Saltimbocca?"
"I have no clue what that is."
"I'm sure you'll like it."
We sit down, and wait for food. It was quiet and kinda awkward.
"What's your favorite color, Thorn?"
"Black, white, and dark red."
"Mine are very similar. Ah there's the food." A man in suit and tie brings are plates. "This is very fancy."
"Is it?"
"For sure, My diet is ramen, and bubble tea."
"Bubble tea? Ramen? What are those things?"
"You've never had ramen or bubble tea?"
"I gotta take you to get some."
"Ok, we'll eat up." I ended up eating almost all of it before I was full. He finished his in half the time I did. "It's getting dark now, I should take you home." He held my hand all the way to the car. "Thank you Titan."
"Of course." I got home, took a shower and went to bed. In the morning I am very tired. I walk into the living room to Taiki sitting on my couch. "How the heck did you get in here?"
"There's a spare key under the flower pot." He waved the key infront of me. "Get out."
"You went with that guy yesterday, didn't you?"
"Yes, and he remembered my favorite flower!"
"The ones I got you were better, then stupid roses." I sigh. He goes to do something towards me and I flinch. "I was just trying to hug you. I still scare you, don't I?"
"Why wouldn't you? You beat me."

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(Sorry, I was late for another chapter."