

Dawn At Sunset -Synopsis
"Our lives are not written in inks of cherry blossom pink but are smeared on paper in hot boiling red."


Kim Ha Yoon's clock of sanity was ticking. From the stress of school - to the stress of dealing with her alcoholic father most nights - to trying to ignore the screams of her mother being beaten to a pulp by said alcoholic father - to being groped by a new shitbag in the club, and having to lie to her sweet as honey boyfriend to keep him from the mess of it all -it was too much! Way too much for any 17 year old to manage.

She needed to numb the pain. In fact, she needed to dull it all together. So she didn't think much of it when by some accident/miracle, she found herself knocking on death's door, after plummeting face first unto the road, after some guy in a Mercedes AMG 6 3 ran her over!

Lee Ming-Jun was at the peak of success in his life. Inheriting his father's booming restaurant chain on the southcoast of Incheon whilst still managing his lucrative furniture company back home in Seoul, it was needless to say that he was rolling on the high tides. Not to mention the sound of wedding bells were in the air, his wedding plans were in tow, to the love of his life. But despite the milk and honey Ming -Jung seems to have, he can't help but feel something is just not quite right. He needed a sign, that maybe he was overthinking things. But when he almost runs over some damsel on the junction, what could scream omen more than that!?

Follow the story of Kim Ha Yoon and Lee Ming-Jun as they both wade through the highs and pitfalls in their lives; as they seek what needs to be fixed and what needs to be broken...


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