

New Boy Old Heart (Part 3)
He went to his bed and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately, he didn't get sleep because of his brain and mind both was distressed at that time. He get up and start hitting his punching bag which was hanging in his room.

Next morning he left his home for his office with had swelling on his eyes that shows his discomfort on that sleepless night. When he reached some of his friends giggled on him. His mind was said that time they actually known about you and they were talked about you and unfortunately his mind was right that time.

Later in lunch break, they were sitting on the same table and those two again making fun of him for being dump by a girl. But he was smiling on there jokes and he was trying to hide his emotions in front of those people not just because he is strong enough just because our society taught us 'mens not to cry they don't have to cry they are emotionless human being only.'

Those were making fun of him to be dumped and he was just listening one of them was making fun of his man hood, one of them said because he didn't had sex with those girls thats why they dumped him, one of them said because he was too loyal to her and his friends was giving more and more reasons to think about why she dumped him and he was just trying to smile on those reasons but in his mind he was seriously thinking about those reasons.

After they did their shift and getting ready for back to their places. That time also they had the same topic and making fun of him to get dumped. Fortunately, he managed some how that day not to express his emotions but in his mind he was more stressed more upset with his thoughts.

Luckily he dropped his colleagues to his place and ride his bike towards his house but when he was in halfway to his house he parked his bike on roadside and tooked off his helmet, he wiped his tears from his eyes and again he asked a question to himself "What i did wrong? are they right about me?"

Story will be continued in next part, please give your reviews in comments sections, i am looking forward about your review.