

Confused Identity Chapter Four " Time Flies"


And as she sat by that wide window , time went by, she did her GCSE, her job paused, questions increased and a heart unsettled.

After a while, Kylie saw her parents receive weird phone calls that she wasn't supposed to hear. All she heard was her mom say "She is fine and Hillary is too."

How does Hillary come into this situation? How are we related in any way? That is not Mr Hamphrey . It's a lady. Her voice, it's familiar like the one in my blurry dream. All these Kylie asked herself. Until..........

It was dinner time at the table and Kylie looked like her face had been dipped in boiling water she was angrier than ever. The whole family was present. The silence was getting unsettled. She stands up and says," Are you my parents? Is this my home? Are we even related? "
Mom: Why honey ? Why do you say that?
Kylie: I want to know the truth. If not told I will do something you will regret.
Kiara: Sit down.
Dad: Calm down, I will tell you. it's killing me much as well.
Kim: Why are we fighting, mummy?
Dad: I knew a time would come when we would have to tell you. I don't know if this is that time but.... We are not related. We are not your parents. Your dad gave us to you when you were a month old. Your mom had failed to take care of you and your dad was afraid she would kill you and your dad was Fighting for his marriage with his wife.

With tears flowing down her eyes. She couldn't believe that what she assumed all along was true.

Kylie: What about Hillary? How are we connected?

Mom: Baby, we are sorry for not telling you. We did our best to hide the truth and now you father says it's time and he is ready to take you.
You and Hillary share the same Mother. She had an affair with Mr Hamphrey and got pregnant but she was not okay so Hamphrey took his child and raised him. The next year she has you. She couldn't accept the mistakes she had made. My..... Hillary is your Half Brother.

Running out of oxygen! Kylie struck the floor and fainted.


Hi! Isn't this an interesting one. Tell me what you think of this chapter. Which is to be continued.......
Do you think Kylie DeMar will act mature?

Will Hillary take it that a girl he was falling in love with through time is his sister?

Is a mother willing to face her mistakes?

The story is called
* Confused Identity, A Mother's Mistake* #CIMA