

Chapter Seventeen

Lana's P.O.V

I walked down the halls of the school every body staring at me I was just happy that Nathan was right beside me. Why do I feel like a stranger to this place? As we reached at the door to my first class I didn't want Nathan to leave but he had to. I took a deep breath and walked in.
All the kids stated at me like I was a ghost and my teacher dropped the book she was holding in her hand.

"Lana! your back"she said.
"Yeah, I need to graduate and for that I need to past my exams and to do that-"
"you need your lessons"My teacher said finishing my sentence.
"Uh....Yeah"I said smiling.
"Well take a seat and let's begging"she said.

At lunch

Nathan and I sat down together he just watched me as I eat.

"Nathan I can't do this"I said.
"What's wrong?"he asked.
"People are staring at me and-"
"Its gonna be over before you know it, just ignore them."he said.

This is a big cafeteria and I don't have to look to know that people are staring.

I put my head down on the table and imagined that I was the only person in this room.

"Lana, you can't run away from your fear you have to face. I know that this not technically fear but you have to face this. Ok?"

I looked up.

"I'll try"I said with a smile.
"Now I got to go to the bathroom I'll be right back"I said getting up.

I walked out of the cafeteria, thank God no one is here. I can be my self now. I headed to the bathroom and someone dragged me into the janitors closet putting there hand over my mouth so I coud'nt say anything. I didn't panic I stayed as calm as I could be
"Hey lana"I heard the person said.


"I heard you where coming back today and I missed you so I had to come see you"he said.

He moved his hand from my mouth and spun me around looking at me.

"Did you miss me?"he asked.
"Why would I?"I asked.
"Come on Lana, just say it"he said.
"You are scared of Nathan aren't you?"I asked him.
"What makes you think that?"he asked.
"You dragged me into the janitors closet why didn't you come and take me from the cafeteria?"
"I wanted you alone and if I did that there would be too much drama"he said.
"Do you remember what happen the last time you did something like this?"I asked him.
"And your point is?"
"You should be scared to be in the same room as me better yet close to be"I said.

I backed away and he moved closer.

"Why would I be scared to be this close to you?"he asked leaning his head closer to mine.

I backed away again and hit a wall.

"There's no point in running Lana"he said.

He leaned his head close to my neck moving my hair over my shoulders I could feel his lips brushing on my neck, he then moved his head and stared me into my eyes. I could feel him breathing over my face. He then took a few steps back and opened the door, I ran out of there and went back to the cafeteria.

"What took you so long?"Nathan asked.
"Uh....nothing"I said.

Later After school

"Lana are you ok?"Nathan asked.
"I'm fine"I said.
"You seem worried"he said.
"I'm ok"I said with a smile.
"If you say so"he said.

He walked over to me and sniffed me.

"Uh.....what are you doing?"
"Did something happen when you left the cafeteria?"he asked.
"Why would you ask?"I asked him.
"You scent"he said.
"What's wrong with that?"I asked.
"It's not your usual scent, So did someone come close to you or tried to kiss you?"he asked me.

He was dead serious.

"So which is it?"he asked.
"Lana if I find out and it is something bad you are going to regret it"he said.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound that way"he said.
"I know"I said.
"But seriously Lana, If it is something bad you need to tell me"he said.

I sighted.

"Yo Nathan you got a sec"Maek asked walking in.
"Yeah, sure"he said.

They both walked out of the room.

I feel really bad, a part of me wants to tell him and the other dos'nt why don't I?It's not even that important.

The Next Day.

"Sebastian will be driving you to school today. I can't come because I have work to do"Nathan said.
"Ok"I said.
"Lana all you have to do is imagine that you are the only person walking in those halls, in the classroom and wherever you go ok?"he said.
"I'll try"I said.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went in the car.

Later At school

My classes where boring as always at but I learned something and that's good. On my way to my next class this girl came up to me asking me a bunch of questions. She had a cheerful voice.

"Hey! I'm Rosa and I want to hear all the gossip!"she said.
"Ok?"I said wondering what the hell is happening.
"1. Are you and Nathan dating? 2. Did something happen while you where gone? 3. Are you really ghost girl? because that's what everyone is calling you these days and number 4. Why is dose your h-"
"Stop talking!"I yelled.
"Ok"She said.
"I don't know you and you don't know me end of discussion"I said.

I walked away from her.

"So will you be answering my questions later!?"I heard her asking me.

I just ignored her and kept walking. Well some of the people chagned while I was away. As I was walking I saw Alex heading towards ,e I turned around and walked the other way back to the girl.

"On second thought I'll answer your questions"I said.
"Ok. Why didn't you come to school for a few weeks?"she asked
"Privite information"
"I know ypur father died and his bad you feel"she said.
"I'm fine, and I don't feel bad at all"I said.
"How so?"she asked.
"Rosa please leave I need to have a talk with Lana"I heard from behind me

oh no

"Ok"Rosa said and left.

"What do you want"I asked.
"Come with me"he said.
"I need to go to class"I said.

I was about to walked away but he grabbed my arm and took me with him.

"Can you please let go"I said.

He opened the door to a classroom and put me in. It was an empty classroom.

"Where is your boyfriend?"he asked.
"Why do you care?"I asked.
"Its just a question"he said.
"He didn't come today"I said.
"And you shouldn't have come here on your own"he said walking up to me.

I ran over to the other end of the classroom.

"Can't you take a hint"I said.
"Lana, I wasn't going to do anything to you"he said.
"Why should I believe, I didn't kiss you yesterday and I didn't kiss you when you where tied up to a chair either so what makes you think I'm going to kiss you now"he said.
"Then why are we in a classroom!?"I asked.
"All I want to do is talk"he said.
"ok"I said

I slowly walked back over to him.

"About?"I asked.
"Where's Candy?"he asked.
"somewhere"I said.
"I don't know"I said.
"She one of them isn't she?"he asked.
"Are you going to kill her too? are you going to kill me if I decide to take the bite"I asked.
"It depends"he said.
"Lana that guy has a lot of ex's what makes you so special in his life"
"He loves me"
"He loved them too"he said.
"Are we seriously gonna talk about this again?"I asked.
"seems so"he said.
"look Alex I don't care about your stupid crush or whatever Nathan is my boyfriend and that's it so it's time for you to move on"I said.
"What if he's dead?"he asked.
"That's not going to happen"I said.
"We'll see"he said.
"What are you talking about"
"We are graduating in two weeks Lana, and in that two weeks while you are studying I'll be making plans"I said.
"Just be careful they backfire and turn on you"I said.
"I'll see you tomorrow"he said.

He went over to the door and opened it I walked out and he walked out behind me.

"Just be careful ok?"he whispered in my ear.

Later that day.

"How was school?"Nathan asked.
"I need to tell you somthing"I said
"yesterday when you asked me if someone came close to me I didn't answer, Well the truth is..."

I sighted.

"Alex came close to me almost to kiss me and today he threaten to kill you before of after graduation and he said he was going to be planning that for the two weeks we have before. The only reason he's doing it is because I rejected him"I said in one breath.

Nathan just looked at me.

"He almost kissed you?"he asked

I nodded.

"And not he threatens to kill me?"

I nodded.

He stared at me for a few seconds before he started laughing.

"He is going to kill me?"he asked.

Then he got serious.

"Why are you talking go him?"he asked.
"I have been ignoring him, he keeps coming up to me"I said.
"Ok, keep on ignoring him"he said.
"I'll try"I said.


To be continued