

Reply 1988(Synopsis)
Question For You :
After reading the story, you know the female lead in this picture. But can you try to guess who are the other characters in this picture? Like who could be which character. It'll be Fun, Try to Guess?

Reply 1988, is kdrama series that revolves around the lives of five childhood friends who live in a small neighbourhood ssangmung-dong in Seoul. They lean upon eachother to survive their challenging teenage years and set a path for their future. A vibrant story of bond,friendship,love, family unravels, painting a picture of nostalgic era, like a delicate brushstroke on canvas.

Deok Sun, a middle child, lives with her two siblings and parents in a half basement, who is the only female friend in the group . Above them lives one of the four male friends, Jung Hwan and his family who( unlike Deok Sun's debt-ridden family) got rich overnight. Another friend, Choi Taek is a baduk player who lives with his widower dad, and doesn't have a money problem too. Sun Woo and Dong Ryeon are the other friends and neighbours of the first three. Taek remains busy usually because of international baduk matches but whenever he's home, the other friends hang out in his room and share food during mealtime. Their mom's stay at home, do house chores and enjoy evening gossips with other mothers while their dads go to work to fend off their family.

These friends have each other's back no matter what trouble they get into. As neighbours, their parents have grown close too and depend on eachother at times. The different characters go through various points of life from teenage , tough years at school to that physically, psychologically and financially draining stage called Adulthood.

The main female lead, Deok Sun is a charming young girl whose innocence and laughter fills the neighborhood streets and brings warmth to whoever she encounters. Among the four friends, two friends vie for her affection : Jung Hwan, an introverted soul with deep, longing gazes that speak volumes and Choi Taek , a genius and world renowned Go- Player whose innocence and gentleness captures hearts of viewers effortlessly.

Meanwhile Deok Sun falls in love with Sun Woo, the intelligent and kind class president. But later finds out that Sun Woo loves her elder sister Bora, who's pretty, Smart, Scary and little arrogant character but kind at heart. The friends go through different stages of life, perplexing different emotions and feelings that pave their relationship.

We see the heartwarming bond of love and attachments through the parent figures who works their ass off to bring smile in their children face. Mothers who nurture with love and fathers who guide with wisdom, become role models for their children , anchoring then in the complexities of Life

As the story draws to its conclusion, tears mingle with smiles, as the heartfelt journey of Reply 1988 forever leaves an indelible impression. It is a healing story of simplicity that reminds us of the power of love, the enduring bonds of friendship, family and the importance of cherishing every moment that weaves the fabric of our existence.

May this heartfelt tale continues to resonate within our souls, reminding us of the beauty and grace that resides within the ordinary and simple moments of our Life.
Also, guys can you try to guess who Deok Sun ends up Marrying among the four friends?
It's a Secret.
© Enigma