

The right guy 2
Chapter 4

The next morning Chris got up at 4 a.m. He wanted to be at the office earlier than anybody. He put on his all-black suit with some dress shoes and headed out the door. He got in his car and drove to work. He pulled up getting out seeing its still dark out. Going inside he unlocked his office door and went to sit down and go over paperwork he had done yesterday.


Sasha got up at 6 going to her closet picking out a dress for work. She is lucky she showered last night so she wouldn't be rushing. As she looked threw her closet, she saw an all-white fitted dress. She picks it out goes to her mirror and puts it on. She checked herself out feeling it

"Yess," she said to herself.

She picked out some all-white open-toed heels. Good thing her toes are already painted white. She unwraps her hair. It fell to her back. She put on some all-clear lipstick, with some silver earrings. She heads out the door toward Chris's office. Her phone began to ring.

"Hey boo," Vicky Said

"Hey, love. You up early" Sasha said

"Cause I stayed all night with Marcus," she said

"Damn. You ain't fucking that man already are you?" She asked

"No. He's good to me. He told me he wanted to take us slow" she said

"I'm happy for you and happy he said that. So I don't work at Denny's anymore." Sasha said

"Why not?" She asked

"Let's say Chris popped up to see me and the manager came outside on my break yelling at me telling me to come back in cause my break was over," she said

"And" Vicky responded

"Chris told the dude to chill out. Then told me to go get my thing and clock out. To make matters short. He got me a job at his office" Sasha said

"Damn bitch. I like him already" Vicky Said

"I know. Made me want him even more. But a bitch like taking things slow." Sasha said

"Well, he's the one for you sis. I'm happy for you too. Lunch date?" Vicky asked

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't know when I go on lunch, so I'll let you know." Sasha said hanging up.

Sasha pulls in the parking lot getting out. She walks into the building towards Chris's office. She sees him at the desk with Lisa. She knocks on the door. Chris looked up and saw Sasha in an all-white dress her hair down to her back.

"Give us a minute," Chris said getting up.

Lisa left out shutting the door.

Chris walked around his desk to sit on it in front of Sasha.

"You look beautiful," He said checking her out.

"Thank you. I hope it's not too much" she said

"No perfect. My wife should be looking like that every day." He said coming close to Sasha.

Sasha cleared her throat in nervousness

"Relax," Chris said grabbing her hands.

"Shit I'm trying. You keep walking up on me making me nervous" she said laughing.

Chris laughed too

"You'll get used to me doing that," he said going back to his desk and sitting down

"Sit down," He said

Sasha sit down

"So all I need you to do is make my coffee, rub my feet, feed me, lotion me, and be on my ass," he said

"Don't fucking play with me" she said Getting up.

"Chill," Chris said laughing.

Sasha sat back down

"So I'm not gone always have a smile on my face around here.  My work is serious to me. I just need you to make sure my appointments are always straight. Make sure I have every detail about the clients I get. If I need you to go over anything I'll tell you. And I don't like to be bothered. You'll have your office downstairs to right with your name on it" he said with a serious face.

"Okay, I understand. Give me the folder of all your upcoming appointments now and I'll go over them" Sasha said

"You don't need my help with that?" He asked

"No, I don't. Just watch me" she said Getting up and leaving out.

Chris knew she would handle it very well. Sasha walked down to the lobby to the back of her own office she was stopped by a gentleman named Devon

"You must be Sasha," he said

"Yes, and you are?" She asked

"I'm Devon Myers," he said giving out his hand

"SashaSmithh," she said shaking his hand

"You beautiful. Are you from here?" He asked

"Yes, I am actually. But I'm new to being in this building" she said looking around.

"Trust me. It'll grow on you. If you need anything. My office is on the second floor next to Mr. Johnson's office" he said walking away

Sasha waved her hand. walking to the back and seeing another secretary at the office getting paperwork done. She walks into her office looking at how small it was but shit it was perfect for her she has her own little office. She sits down opening up the book of appointments. She goes threw them seeing some of these appointments are messed up.

"It's going be a long day for me," she said to herself

5 hours passed Sasha didn't even know it. She was still learning and putting everything in order making sure things were the correct way. Chris walks in.

"Busy," he said

"Did you know your call logs were messed up? And your appointments  all over the place?" She asked

"No, I didn't." He said

"Why don't go over your appointments or calls to make sure they are straight?" She asked

Chris went over to her desk stopping her from going threw more appointments.

"Let's go,"  he said

"Not until this is right," she said

"Sasha," he said

"Chris." She said looking up at him.

"I'm the boss. Let's go. You can finish it at my crib" he said

"What time is it?" She asked

"Almost 4," he said

"Damn. I done lost track of time" she said Getting up.

"Yeah told you, you'll have your days. Today was the day." He said

They leave Sasha's small office and go to the front

"Nice to meet you, Sasha," Devon said smiling

"You too," she said

"Got them coming to you already?" Chris asked

"Jealous?" Sasha asked

"I'm not a jealous type," he said as they left the building

Chris was a little jealous.

© Myesha O