

if i got a chance to reborn
If I got a chance to be born as someone then I would like to be born as a boy.
Because in this Indian society girls can never be treated equal to boys.
And the worst things are actually faced by women not men.
If I get a chance to be born as a man at least I will be safer on the road I would not have to worry about being raped in a dark Alley or anything like that.
and if rape is not the only problem there are many more problems that are there in a girls life.
A girl can't even decide her own career where as boys have the freedom to do whatever they want they can do anything they can pursue any career but there are boundaries for a girl.
I want to see the hard life that a man lives which they call manlyHood.
being a girl right now I want to enjoy the luxury of being a boy and a dominant one in a family I just want to know how it feels because being in India and never felt it as a girl.
I was always told that you are a girl's sit properly talk properly do things properly for once in my life if I get a chance to be reborn I want to be born as a boy and want to do each and everything that my heart desires for.
But when I deeply think about it I think whatever way the God has made me it would be for some reason he must have thought of something good for me.
with this I would like to tell you one story that is once a crow went to the God and said that I am not happy with my colour and iron the Omen of bad luck I don't like my life people do not give me food but they give me food which is meant for dead people then they got ask him what do you want to become the crow said I want to become a swan hi sir just look at the swan he is so white and so pure as a pearl I want to live his life not a life of a crow then the God said OK I will convert you into a swan but first go to a swan and talk to him and then come back to me and then I will turn you into a swan so when the crow went to the swan he asked him about he would be so happy that he has got this beautiful body beautiful feathers and everyone wants to click his photos to this the swan replied do you think this is a good life whenever I am in water you can differentiate me with water I don't understand people are clicking picture of me or the water and the most bad thing is if I ever go towards the land area people come to hunt me yesterday I lost my mother I don't know after 5 minutes I will be alive or not you say this is a life usse this is a happy life.
Then the crow asked him according to you who is leading a happy life so the swan said you idiot you you have the most happy life the swan asked him do people hurt you the crow said no do people hunt for you the crow said no do people give you food to eat the crow said yes then the swan ask him why you want to change. God has already given you everything that you need to live a happy life why you want to convert your life into some other just because you see the luxury outside but you don't know the pain inside.
Just be happy with the body with the life God has given you he might have thought something before giving you this life this body this colour this voice anything.
I would endup by saying -
Be proud of who you are and not how people sees you.

© Vartika Modi