

This was a story of a one of the dead boy who eat by clown
presence day,
There is a boy name joy. One day he was walking in the forest in search of a something that no one had seen. While walking in search of thing he go to dense forest, suddenly one voice is came from large bush when joy deflect he saw that he was standing in the dense forest he was scared and thinking "who is there ".But when he came near to large bush, he found no one is there in bush. He took a breath and return throughout his village. It was night. Joy was totally scared, when he was returning through the dense forest he feel that someonce is tracing him. He take a huge step and see back of him. He found black shadow is fast disappear it was only for few seconds.He was scared and unconscious. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in roller coaster . Suddenly, the roller coaster started from one side he was very happy any enjoying but from other side he think one strange thing that there is no one in counter who started this ride He was thinking only then he felt something from behind that someone is sitting behind him.When he turned back he saw that one danger clown is sitting behind him and giving a creepy smile He quickly looked forward and after a while when he looked back from behind He saw that clown has came near to he one time more he quickly see in front afterwards he decided that he one time more he see back ward And seeing this, he was very scared that clown had come one step further. Joy was scared and now he wanted to didn't take this ride more. He take this step that he open the belt and jump from this but there is steel around him how he suddenly the roller coaster has stopped joy think how this happened but this is not a time to think when he came out he saw that he was in top how he can. AND IT WAS A ANNOYING THING THAT SUDDENLY THE ROLLER COASTER HAS STARTED. THE RIDE CAME DOWN AND SWIFTLY REACH . Joy think that it was a good time to get rid of . he run very fast but before he reach to his house the clown has came to front of joy. he opened his mouth but joy want to run away he going to run but before clawn has caught him and ate joy.
it was very disgusting to thing how scary. In morning when Investigator search and only then they saw that the blood Is tracing to the well, suddenly one mad old man came and telling that there is a ghost under this well who eat Child.Investegators ignored that but later more children are started missing. Then investigator believe in thar old man. AFTER ALL WHAT IS A STORY OF A EATING CHILD CLOWN