

It's strange to me...I told my therapist the other day that it's like the pictures of those boys before they go to war and after they come back..... before they leave they got the light in their eyes and are ready to take on the world.... but when they come back their faces look sunken in and hollow, their eyes left with a cold, dark, blank stare..they get home and their family so happy to see them and assume that because they are home with family that they safe...But in their reality they still in the battlefield waiting for gunshots... You can't convince yourself it's safe because danger and war is the only reality you know.......Kinda like the career criminals that get outta prison and commit another crime so they go back because they don't understand how to live in normal society and reality, they living their entire life with the intstitutionalized mindset....
How do you explain battle and war to someone who's never been in a fight???..............you dont 💯 The pieces of myself and my mind that I lost last year...... Well some things in life you just don't get back...........