

Beautiful But Painful:-
She was sitting alone and thinking that her life is full of pain. Her dreams shattered, she didn't get love from her loved ones. she was crying , suddenly a hand came on her shoulder . She turned and saw that a boy who was looking like a prince was standing there . But she don't know him so she asked to him, "what's your name ?? he said you can call me whatever you want . by the way why are you crying? she told him about her shattered dreams. She said that her parents said that she can't go out anywhere to roam and to feel the beauty of nature. Because they don't like it. they said that study and become a doctor . Hearing this the boy wiped her tears and said don't worry princess, I'm with you. Then he hold her hands and they both went to her favorite place. That place was full of greenery and sound of the waterfall was making the weather so romantic . Her hairs were coming on her face so he came close and set her hair . and then she said that I have to go , otherwise my parents will gets angry with me. The boy said that don't worry princess , I'll talk to them and then you'll do whatever you wants to. She said that it's impossible, they'll never say yes. then the boy said let me show you and they both came back .He said to her dad that sir I know that you want to see your daughter successful. but what if she don't want to be .You should give her atleast one chance . Give her one year and she'll show you that what she can do and I'm sure that she'll make you proud . After a little argument her parents agreed with him. they said , do whatever you want to do my daughter .Hearing this she was so happy . She came closer to him to hug him and he just disappeared. and she woke up from this beautiful dream .