

Brother Part 1
Andrew was the best brother anyone could have ever wished for. I did not realize the fact until this one day when everything suddenly went upside down.

November 30, 2019.
I was from school, that was about 3:30 in the afternoon. My sister Adellyn and I were watching Netflix when suddenly my brother came into our bedroom. He was pale, his eyes were red and sweating hard. I asked him if he was okay he said that I needed to phone our mom because he thinks he has flu or something serious. I grabbed my called my mom, she came 15 minutes later with our dad. It was 4:27pm that time and while we were on our way to the nearby hospital Andrew puked blood for straight 5 minutes. We were all terrified. Adellyn was so scared that she began to cry. Adellyn was just 7 that time. I was 12, Andrew was 17. I told Adellyn to snuggle close to me and told her repeatedly that everything was going to be fine. When we reached the hospital, Andrew balcked out. he was wheeled into the Emergency room. We were told to wait at the cafeteria. Our dad took us with him, we had hot cocoa and french toast. We chit chatted about what happened at school earlier that day. I saw the fear and stress on my dad's eyes. I told him that I prayed everything would be fine and wished that it was nothing serious. But deep inside of me, I was scared of what just happened. But I was more scared of losing Andrew after I saw him puke blood. I just wore my brave face the whole time until at about 8 in the evening when I loss it. We were all called to the conference room. The room was filled with doctors, nurses, and some nursing aids. We sat in front facing the panel of doctors. The conversation started. They told us that they have done multiple tests on Andrew and they already have the diagnosis for what he had. I saw that the girl doctor sitting beside the head doctor looking worried as she looked at us. She just smiled but I saw something different in her eyes. I felt something was wrong. Adellyn saw it too, and she was about to cry. I held Adellyn's hand, I squeezed it tight and told her that whatever happens, we can pull through. The doctors were explaining a lot of things about pallative care, morphines, stem cells, stuff we've never heard of before (Adellyn and I). Mom and dad who seem to understand these things since they were both doctors looked worried. My mom then asked "So what is it doctor?", then the doctor said. He had Gastroparesis and Desmoplastic small round cell tumors.

My mom was overwhelmed by the diagnosis. Then my dad asked. "So how long does he have doctor?". The doctor looked down on the charts, swallowed hard and faced all of us. He said, "5 months the least, and a year or two the most. I am very sorry.". He stood up went to my mom and dad then went to us. He told us to spend as much time with Andrew, assure him that everything's going to be okay and always put on a brave face.

Andrew stayed at the hospital for about 3 or 5 days and went home December 4th of 2019, that was my birthday. I was turning 13. We had a cake for my birthday and before I blew my candles I wished for everything to be well. That night I went to bed crying, my mom told me that we were going to make the most out of everything from now on and cry later becasue from now on life will go on like this for us. We just need to put on a brave face, for Andrew. Mom then gave me a wrapped present and a letter. It was from Andrew. I did not open the presents he gave. I placed them inside my closet. I went to sleep crying the whole time.

Weeks went by, and he was weaker everyday. He needed morphine and tramadol every 4 hours. He was in constant pain, he did not eat. He had an NGT inserted, he had a colostomy bag, he was always mad, and because of that me and Adellyn always kept our distance from him. We got turns watching him, changing his bags and his tube. But everytime, mom would end up doing all the work because he gets mad at us even at dad. One time, while I was trying to wipe the puke from his mouth he made me stop and yelled at my face "Fuck off!". I knew I had to understand his situation but instead I got really angry and I yelled back at him. I said, "Were doing this to help you okay? Your making everything hard for us. If you don't need us then fine!", then I stormed out of the room.

I just cried the whole day after what happened. I never told mom or anyone what happened. I just kept it to myself. It was 2 months after when our family went to trips around the country. I never enjoyed any of those trips. My mom saw that I was not enjoying them, so one night, while we were in Maryland. We had a talk. I told her everything. I cried, bawled like a baby. My mom said. Accepting what Andrew has become now will always be hard. But, life is not always fair. So whenever I look at Andrew I will just think of all the good memories I had with him like, the day he bought me a popsicle from Walmart or the day he helped me tie my first shoelace. I realized Andrew will never be the same old athletic, loving, caring, funny, smart Andrew I know. He is new now, and I need to embrace that. But, even if he's like that now. He's still the best brother me and Adellyn ever had. We may not be his best little sisters, but he's our best big brother!

Note: There are still Parts 2 and 3 of this story☺️