

live to love, love too live!!!
Dear whomever it may concern,

I don't you, and you don't know me, but I need to let you know that someone out there, truly does really care.

unfortunately we live in, an unfair, cruel world. where hurting others for fun, is what others like to do.

my name is Elizabeth Smith, I'm nobody special, just very different from the rest.

I care way to much, trust way to easy, forgive quicker than I should. I love deeper than most.

I'm misunderstood by many, give too much, receiving little in return, if ever any.

my loyalty comes rare, I'm extremely too honest, they all tell me.

I'm as real as it gets, but taken for granted, by all. my intentions are always meant well.

life gets hard at time's, we all have good and bad time's. its it's all how we handle ourselves.

we all get down, and feel like the world is against us. I'm here to let it be known you are never alone.

I love all human existence, never do I judge, for its not my place. we all make mistakes.

I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but I know someone does, but your beautiful,and worth it.

never give up, pain is temporary, and you will get through it, as nothing last forever.

I will always be here to support you, love and care for you. until you can stand on your own, and learn to love yourself again.

nobody should ever have to walk this crazy, beautiful world alone, and unloved.

feeling like they are never good enough. I know this feeling all to well, coming from a broken home.

I had to walk alone, no love given, no hugs and kisses. carrying pain on my shoulders.

I remember not wanting to live, questioning God for my existence, pleading, and begging for the good oh lord to call me home.

I cried out for help, nobody ever heard my cry. I needed a will, and a purpose to live.

going through thing's another human shcould never have see, let alone go through.

but I never gave up hope, the pain gave me strength, and it's made who iam today.

through the dark day's, I found my reason for life. too help other's cope,and give them a reason to want to survive.

I will live till my very last breath, trying to make a difference, for those imperfect lost souls, with no will to keep going.

love always, from a once broken, lost soul who once walked in your shoes, but finally outgrew, to a bigger and better size.

if you need someone to love and support you, I'm your friend. no matter what, day, or night.
by Elizabeth Smith