

PART2 #Original
I am megan as u know a lil intro if u forgot me... Hehe so lets begin.
As he just said that in my ear, my heart skipped a beat, i was acting nervous, i said just a sec i will make a cold coffee, then he just came and said "are you both only friends or something else". I said "HUH" "i dont understand whome you are talking about" i was acting more nervous, he said "I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU AND SAM" I said "NO, WE ARE JUST FRIENDS" he slightly smiled, then he said did u made the coffee, i said "yeah" when i gave him the cup i nearly touched his fingers, i said "oh sorry" but he said nothing and gone to deliver the order, it was weird, he dont talk, i was just thinking what was his name, then suddenly from nowhere he came and said GLEN, I said how he known that i was thinking about him.... Time passed and the end of my shift came not only me GLEN'S TOO.. As the rain doesn't stopped.. I had no umbrella then Glen said, Shall i walk you home, as i was stunned to see his talkative nature, I said"AH ITS OKII THANK YOU FOR ASKING " THEN HE SAID" ARE YOU SHY" i said "UMM" i doesn't even completed my sentence he said "dont act, i will walk you home" as i had no choice i said okii, CUZ it was raining it was slippery floor i just slipped and he just grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his face and i was continuously staring into his eyes it felt my stomach butterflies were flying i just pulled me back from him......