

Left unleaved

'My dear child,
I know you had your doubts about your birth. I couldn't tell you while I was alive so I left you this letter. Your real parents live in a grandiloquent place that I myself don't know,I don't know what led to your doubt but I know my behavior towards you can't be the reason.You being my child is not by legal adoption but kind-hearted ness.Our familism began when i saw you left alone behind a tall tree in the coast of Noah,I felt sorry as I grief of barrenness,I quickly decided and took you away for proper care,I cared for you like I have finally gotten a son,my desire,a child.Your parent never showed for a while thatvis why you feeling that i am not you mother od not confirmed,Your presence is my joy and my existence,i wish you won't forsake me after you've finally known the axiom about your life.(in tears),Let your identify be your new future,a future of fulfilling destiny,The best identify is the identity of your creator,own that,and you will have nothing to worry about,I could have wanted us to stay together forever and accept the fact that we are meant for each other in this way.remember my spirit os always with you.i know what.....'

I stared at the unfinished letter in shock. How was I supposed to find my true identity?

Aresegun A. Oyenaya.
© Aresegun A. Oyenaya.