

The Mafia and his Angel (Part–1)Episode12
Episode 12:

Lauren:Wait,Alex is your brother?

Felix:Yes he has not told you about me?


Felix :Oh! but can I ask why are you roaming alone here?

Lauren:Alex said he is coming in 2 minutes and now he has vanished I don't where he has gone?

Felix :That's really bad,a beautiful girl like you should not be alone.

Alex:Stop flirting with my girlfriend bro!

Felix :wait there's a correction “fake girlfriend ”.

Alex:That doesn't means you will flirt with her.

Felix :Whatever, I am going.

Lauren :Someone is jealous.

Alex:I am not jealous 😒

Lauren :Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night!

Alex :My grandparents want to meet you.

Lauren :ok,lets go

Alex:Grandma,this is Lauren.

Lauren :Hi!

Zina :(Alex Grandma) Hello Lauren.

Lauren : I am the fan of your cosmetics, I love it!

Narrator :Zina is the owner of a cosmetic company. They talked a little bit. After a while :

Zina:(Whispering to Alex) I already like her.


Lauren :(whispering to Alex) I want some space.

Alex:let me take you to terrace.

At Terrace :

Lauren :Have you ever wished that I was born in a normal family.

Alex:Many times!

Lauren :You know when I was young, dad use to take Shane and Oliver for hunting he never took me cause I was scared I was not strong and most importantly I was a girl.

Alex:Then how did you learnt all these fighting, shooting and all.

Lauren :Aunt Nerissa, my mother's sister taught me all that. At first it was really hard I even thought to give up but I didn't.

Alex:You are really strong Lauren.

Narrator :They heard someone's footsteps.

Alex:Britney ,what are you doing here? and what are you doing with a gun?

Britney :Come here Alex, today you will get freedom from this fake relationship I am going to kill her and then we will run away.

Lauren:But what I did?

Alex:Are you insane? Do you know she is the only daughter of a gangster, they are going to kill you.

Britney :I don't care Alex, I love you and I don't want her to come between us.

Alex:No I will not let you shoot her.

Britney :Alex come here, I don't want to shoot you.

Lauren:Alex go

Narrator :Britney shot the gun.

End of part 1 of The Mafia and his Angel.

Hey guys! hope you liked this episode,
I am not going to write the next part for a few days, I want to write another stories now so that's why ,until next time.