As we can see, basically , we want to expose about STORY.
And we know more about STORY.
We know also several types of STORY.
We know several STOR[IES].
But the question to ask ourselves is :
* Why expose on STORY instead of STORY itself ?
In other hands,
* Why we expose on STORY ?
* Why we don't expose a STORY ?
We remain on way to fix about STORY specific outlook leading to be in well acquaintance about STORY as we know and also as we don't know.
Afterwards about !!!
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And we know more about STORY.
We know also several types of STORY.
We know several STOR[IES].
But the question to ask ourselves is :
* Why expose on STORY instead of STORY itself ?
In other hands,
* Why we expose on STORY ?
* Why we don't expose a STORY ?
We remain on way to fix about STORY specific outlook leading to be in well acquaintance about STORY as we know and also as we don't know.
Afterwards about !!!
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