

Daughter: baba i don't want to study...
Father: why my child...what happen?
Daughter:I always get low marks and always forget even after learning sooo much..I can't remember what i learn or read..In short I don't want to study..
Father: Come here, I'll tell you something...
Daughter: Ok baba
Father: U go out, u drive a car and on road thr are sooo many gutters, so many ups and downs...what do u do thr?
Daughter: I drive carefully and actively...But why are u asking this.
Father: Try to understand my sweetheart..Thr are so many gutters and some roads are soo uneven that its really very difficult to drive or even walk on those..But do u give up? Don't u go out even when u know condition of some roads are worst?.....The point is u know that all roads aren't smooth but u go out, u trust ur self, u trust ur skills, u don't give up because of some stupid reasons...
Always remember by dear.."A bird sits on branch when she knows it may break but it hardly matters.. Because she trusts her wings" No matter what the situation is always trust urself❤️