

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

"Why are you running?" the man said. He was wearing a lab coat, a surgical mask and glasses.

I was breathing hard. I can feel my knees shaking. My heart pounded faster. I could also feel my whole body turned cold like an ice.

"Go away!" I said with a trembling voice.

I heard another footstep. This time, it's not just one. But a lot! I screamed when I saw a group of doctors approaching me.

"Get her," the man ordered.

I just sat on the ground, feeling hopeless. I covered my ears and closed my teary eyes. The footsteps are getting louder. As well as my heart.

"Are you sure about this, Mrs. Hudson?"

"I don't want to see my daughter suffer everyday. I want her to rest now." I could hear my mom cry. I slowly opened my eyes.

The doctors are about an inch away from me. They are all standing, surrounding me and giving me those icy stares.

"Okay. Please sign this, Mrs. Hudson. After that, we will going to stop the machines."

"Stop it, Mom! My sister is still fighting! She promised me!" I can hear my little brother shouting at my mom.

"No, dear. Your sister needs to rest now. It's been three months since she's comatose! I don't want her to suffer anymore!" My mom shouted back. It pains me even more that I can hear their sobs.

"B-But, mom... s-she promised!"

I screamed once again. No! Please! Mom! I don't want to die yet! I can still fight! I promised my little brother!

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep...



The sound of the machine stopped. My heart stopped beating. My breathing stopped. My knees are no longer shaking. The sounds were slowly fading. I slowly closed my eyes.




Everything went black.
