

My Secret Diary


Tomorrow it will be my first day of middle school . I do not know if any big difference will be there but how big could it be . my idea of spending the whole day was to come home and then watch TV for 3 hours , then sleep for 2 hours then get some snacks to eat and play zombie land for 4 more hours and go to play with my best friend Henry for 1 hour because dad gets home at that time. and after returning , sneak in my big brother Rick ' s room to find something interesting like a horror movie . Mom asked me to learn atleast one new thing every week . When i asked her what could that new thing be , then she gave me uh.... this list

1. reading faster
2. playing a new sport
3. learning a martial art
4. exercising for 2 hours
5. learning aerobics
6. reading five news everyday
7. reading and researching on one article everyday
8. learning 5 new words everyday
9. spending time with your brother OR sister
10. going for a walk in the green
11. teach Kevin ( my 2 year old little brother) a few things
12. learn to play chess with your father
13. learn how to draw
14. learn how to write poems
16. learning dance
And so on .....

This was her Never ending list . I needed a whole day to read it . I think I liked 2 things that were learning aerobics and spending time with my brother Rick because I can maybe learn a few things about him so that I can also learn to act cool in school or a few other tips . Maybe mom did not know what kind of person Rick is that's why she wrote this option on the list . Rick would never like to teach me something like that but if mom would say he would have to ..


In the school today , when Mr Brooke told us to take out our history books I said that it was the first day of school , who would have brought those heavy bunch of pages , but bad luck for me . In the sports period Mr Mark , our sports teacher was on leave today so we were all free . A new canteen was opening in our school which also had a vending machine near it . But I did not have any money more than 50 Cents except my savings that were like 500 dollars . I know that is a lot but those are my secret savings about which no one at all knows . I have put them in a box that has a lock and is kept under my bed . I had to make those 600 dollars in this year that meant 100 dollars more . I use 10 dollars every December. One and only thing I am best at is collecting money. I thought I would use 6 dollars tomorrow and buy something from the canteen and the vending machine for me and Henry.


I was sitting in a corner reading a book , called 'Simple' to Kevin because mom forced me to . It was the most boring story ever about a boy called simple . His family had a very little money but still lived happily ever after the end . Suddenly the bell rang and there were some guests . It was a lady my Mom's age and then I wasn't able to see her anymore because from where I was sitting only the gate was visible . Then after some time I started hearing crying from that room . And mom was saying , " calm down Edna , calm down ". Then the old lady said like , " he broke my heart , I was not expecting him to do that " then just a few moments later mom called me and said that , " I think there are some guests who you should greet right ? " . I greeted her and the guest like seemed all happy so excited and like she was the happiest person in the world. From then onwards I descided that I will never listen to mom and some other adult talking . what I would do is just put on my headphones . because if I hear it again then I sure am going to go really sick . After whole of that adult stuff I then went in my bedroom and did the security check for that money box I had . And ofcourse it was right there where I was expecting it to be . I was thinking that what was the need of the whole security check of course it will be right at the place I kept it!


today I was going to take the last glass of strawberry shake which was left but then at the same time Clara was there and she kept her hand on it and said that " hands of Mr you already had had it so it is mine " And I knew there was no point of arguing with her so I just took my hands off that glass . Oh did I also mention that I had a sister ? No I didn't because u know it feels like most of the time she is not present in the house . Her exams just finished and she got an Amazing percentage and she is reading a novel . Who does that ! . She reads a book, studies hard for exam , and writes poems , essays and stories. she likes preparing speeches and researching on some topics like space ,
plants and a particular person that did something great in the history. by looking at her face you can easily guess she is an innocent little angelic child but no she is totally the opposite - guilty devil girl tonight I remembered I hadn't checked my money box so I did . I Thought it was obviously going to be there but it was actually GONE . I took a tour of the house to find it but it was nowhere to be found and then I went to mom and she said that :- Are you talking about that old dirty box ? today at the afternoon when you were at school , I couldn't find Kevin . I checked the whole house except your room and that's where i found him , under your bed , hugging that box as if it was the most precious thing in his life . When I tried to take the box from him he stuck to it like glue . And now he must be sleeping and hugging it both at the same time . " And then because I knew that I wouldn't be able to take it back from Kevin that's why I called mom to come with me . called mom to come i told her it had 16 dollars before if I told her it had 500 then Rick would also know about and that would be really bad. I had fallen asleep after that. the next thing I knew was that I was sitting on a purple chair which had a big butterfly . I was in Clara's room . oh no I was in Clara's room ! she had warned me 100 times to stay away from her room . and whenever I enter her room she gets back at me . her getting back at me is way worse than I getting back at her . I looked around the room and when I found out she was not there I was overjoyed. she must be In the bathroom .

© Misha Goswami