

China Doll: 3

The girl still stated up at him, her face pure joy. Not fear.
He halfway smiled at her beginning to feel awkward.
One of the older boys grabbed her hand, and said something he couldn't understand.
She looked up at him again, and waved as she was lead away.
He watched her go into the apartment entrance.
She lives here?
Sam had never noticed her before.
Maybe she is new?
The door to the apparent next to him slammed shut.
So she lived next to him?
He shrugged and whent to his room. His father had a mean habit of nying him demons clothes and makeup, to make fun of his feminine appearance.
So his closet was full of womens clothes and his desk had makeup palettes covering it.
His father forbidden him from throwing any away.
With nothing to do, he layed down and starting to read. The only thing he really ever did, since we was held captibe in his own home.

He woke up tot the sound of the door closing.
He slowly opened his eyes.
His head was layed in the pages of his book, he must have fallen asleep.
Rubbing his eyes he sat up.
"Ma?" Sam got up. "Is that you?" Opening his door, his mother looked at him with a mixture of fear and surprise.
"Sam! You scared me…" She was rapped up in her brown trenchcoat, hugging herself tightly so it would stay closed.
He reached out, "Why dont I take your coat for you?"
She snacked away. "NO!! I mean- no. Okay?"
"...Okay, Ma."
She smiled sweetly at him and touched his cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm just very tired."
"You never told me what your job is."
"Oh- uh- I'm… a beaker."
He lasted his eyebrow, she didn't sound convincing but he had no reason to not believe her. "Okay. Do you like your job?"
She shrugged awkwardly. "Well, you know, it's only my first day. I've known the boss for awile and he was glad to give me the job. It took some convincing though…"
The last part was said under her breath.
He looked down at his mother. "Oh. I hope you enjoy your job."
"Thank you, dear." With that said, she turned and went inro to her room.
He frowned. The bad feeling was back.