

Untold love story

Roy was trying know that what was goings-on in Riya's mind and he was holding her hand for the first time in the hospital room and he said: Riya I promise you that I will support you in all your tough time and Ronan (son) will be with us very soon. After sometime Riya opened her eyes, and she got panicked and started asking to Roy: my son is with that cruel man I don't know what he will do to my son? I'm scared if he don't allow my son to be with me, then what will I do ? without my Ronan I can't live without him, please help me to bring back my son, Roy please help me I want my son back at any cost, by saying this, Riya tried to rush from the hospital room and Roy immediately he holds her tightly in his arms and trying to stop her, very soon Mr and Mrs Sen, doctors and nurse, appeared in to the room and controlled Riya's panic.
Roy was totally angry and he felt helpless, later Roy told to Riya's parents that: uncle, aunty please take care about Riya I will be back very soon, Mr. Sen asked to Roy: but where are you going? then Roy said: very important work is left behind so I will finish it and come back very soon until I come back please, uncle aunty take care about yourself and Riya as well.

After sometime Riya and her parents, came back form hospital, they entered the home with sad emotion, because still there was no news about 'Ronan'. Sometimes later all of sudden, Ronan called mom, mom,....... by saying this, he came running towards Riya and hug her very tightly and Riya was shocked then she started asking Ronan are you fine my dear? did that cruel man hurt you, did he allowed you to eat anything else, did you get any hurt let me see, your fine right, your my strong boy, you did not scared there, right everything will be good now, everything will be ok. saying this Riya was expressing her emotions towards her son.Then Ronan said: no mom I am hungry, Riya got tears in her eye and said: come dear I will give you something to eat. Later everyone at Riya's home they were thinking how did Ronan came to home, then Mr and Mrs Sen were asking to Ronan: dear how did you come here? who brought you , did anyone come to along with you here? There after Roy entered the house, with this father and said: Mr and Mrs Sen we brought your grandson from Riya's ex-husband. Roy said: Riya and Mr, Mrs. Sen meet my father how is retired assistant commissioner of police, Mr. Guru Chaudhari, Riya as I promised you that Ronan will be with us very soon, so very soon I meet my father immediately and told him about your ex-husband and Ronan. And then my father called up to his team and explained everything. Then the team started tracking about your ex-husband's details and they found the location and team went to that place where Ronan was kept, later they came to know that your ex-husband was about live the country along with Ronan and take him far away from you, very soon after that police team were tracking your ex-husband and they caught him at the airport along with Ronan and then arrested him,Mr. Guru said: need not to worry, now his in police custody we will be taking strict action against him not to be worried.

Later everything was normal and everyone where happy but Roy was still not sure about Riya's decision, he was thinking to talk with her and things go normal. After few days Riya got devorce and everything was fine, at that moment Riya's family got an invitation from Roy's family,Mr. Guru Chaudhari said that : everyone are invited for the get together and there will be an surprise for Roy, Riya you must not miss this part because it's your best friend's surprise party, then Riya said: sure uncle definitely I will come.
The day as come when party was arranged so well, all the guests were attending and Roy and his family were welcoming the guests, here Roy was waiting for Riya and her parents as soon Riya's parents were attended but Riya was not found anywhere so Roy went near Mr. Sen and asked : Uncle Riya don't come along with you and Mr. Sen said: dear Roy she will be coming , she is on the way. Here party was started but Riya didn't come yet, Roy was in tension about Riya, soon after Mr. Guru started announcing, Mr Guru Chaudhari said: attention everyone please, I thank you everyone for attending the party at the short invitation and today is very special day for us, saying this Roy's perants called Riya's parents to come forward and he also called the Roy and said: we are glad to introduce our new family friend Mr and Mrs Sen and to they daughter Miss Riya Sen along with her son Ronan , Finely Riya entered the party and Mr Roy was stunt and looking at Riya, because she was looking very beautiful in designer saree and everyone was looking at her continuously and then Roy went to Riya, took her hand and escorts towards this family, then Mr. Guru Chaudhari said that Riya will be our daughter-in-law very soon and I request everyone to congrats them and bless them.

what happened next will see in ch-5
