

Many people want to live better lives, they want to get a better job, better marriage, a better lover, a better future, and a better life but most of them are afraid or too lazy to put in the necessary work on themselves that is required to acquire or attain the level they want to reach or the kind of life they want, they don't want to transform themselves to become better versions of themselves first, transformation begins from your mindset, work on yourself enough to attract anything you want, attracting what you want is not enough, the question is; can you manage that thing or person you so much desire very well if, by any chance, they find their way to you?

Life is not a genie or fairy tale where you make a wish and it comes true, real-life takes more than just wishing for your dreams to come true, it takes a lot of hard work to manifest your dreams and desires, if you keep doing the same thing you do every day, you will keep getting the same old result and you will end up blaming everybody else except yourself, and that makes you selfish and a thief because you want to reap somewhere you did not sow.

Life is not a bed of roses, you have to water your garden and weed out all thorns before you can comfortably lie down on your bed of roses, Gold has to go through fire before it becomes that beautiful masterpiece of jewel you see.

For you to attract better people or better things to your life, you have to, first of all, be willing to make the sacrifice to become a better version of yourself that is good enough to accommodate and preserve what you desire/deserve, wherever there is a will, there must be a strong zeal to back that will up or that "will" becomes mere wishful thoughts that wither away with the wind. Positive and negative energy can not be in the same space, just like light and darkness can never mix, have you ever seen a pregnant nun in a maternity ward? Well, except she got raped or she is deceiving herself. Whatever you do in darkness must surely come to light, even if you succeed in deceiving yourself, you can not deceive everybody and deceive GOD at the same time, not even if you are the smartest person alive, there is this word called; "NEMESIS".

All the good things in life are worked for not wished for, if you want a good wife/husband, make sure you are good enough to maintain a good relationship with them because good can not be one-sided, you will end up ruining everything because you are not good enough to handle them, it is like putting a good material in the hands of a bad tailor, you have to put in extra work on yourself to match up with what you deserve in life, you need to show life that you deserve what you want from it, and not just to idle around and wish for good things to happen to you.

©️F. I. D libraries.