

The act of Enchantment
The act of Enchantment
Chapter 2: The eve Samhain
Ever wondered why your reflection changes? Sometimes it feels as when you stare at a glass, a mirror, anything capable of giving off a reflection, you see a different type of yourself.

It isn't whatever you choose to put on yourself that makes you different but the difference inside.

Sounds awfully cheesy, I know.

"You look quite handsome, Tyler." I Nana says, beaming at me.

The person staring right at me is wearing a long sleeved white balowy shirt. The shirt is a 'V' neck with ropes at both ends of the collar–like V neck.

His pants are black and free, almost like loose sweatpants. He is free of every adornment.

His dark fringe is simply washed and left unbrushed.

I like the reflection staring back at me. This reflection is free of burden and everything weighing for tonight.

If only for tonight.

I smile, and turn back to my Nana, "thank you Nana."

My Nana smiles back at me. It is tradition that the parents of the young witch or warlock don't see them until they are brought out under the full moon.

The grandparents of the young mage are expected to prepare them for the crossover ritual during the Samhain full moon.

Where we become full bred Mages under ghetto Samhain full moon, during it's eve. The time and date where the veil between realms are supposedly thin.

According to Nana Katherine, during the eve of Samhain demons come to play. It is when every power under the sun are heightened and influenced by the conforming power of the full moon of Samhain.

Grandparents, great-grandparents, honestly anything related to the young mage with a grand are wiser and more powerful.

Their powers are stronger beyond imagination during this night, so they shall prepare the young Mage.

And my Nana is just the right elder to do the ritual.

When I think of the process to complete the crossover ritual my heart pounds. I'm scared.

I'm not scared of becoming a real mage from the young one I am now. I'm scared of having to bind myself to someone during this ritual.

I'm scared of having someone as a familier just so I could crossover.

The deeds of the crossover is quite easy, it is an honor to be bonded to your chosen familier.

But it is also a sign of maturity, loyalty, and an unexplainable connection to someone else.

I'm I ready for it? I let out a quiet chuckle. Maybe I shouldn't have been so soon to answer Conan's question.

I can already hear the drums beating as my Nana and I stop at the porch of my house.

Many people are here. Many of my kind are gathered, and here to watch young Mages crossover into adulthood.

My eyes land on a pair of dull blue ones. The owner of those blue eyes is wearing a knee short, plain white gown. With net weave see–through sleeves, and a deep 'V' neck showing enough of her tanned skin.

I swallow at the sight of my Familier that smiles charmingly at me– Beatrice-Rose Clarence.

My eyes snaps up at my grandma as her hand came down on my tense shoulder.

She smiles at me, and it reaches her identical blue eyes to mine. I almost wince.

Holy shit this is actually happening!

"It'll be okay, Starlin." She says, calling out my middle name.

I can't help but smile back to her before walking off over to Beatrice.

I stop close enough to her. My head is pounding. Beatrice looks very beautiful tonight.

She looks especially cute with how beat red her cheeks are, and how she's twiddling with her fingers.

She seems as flustered, and nervous as I am. I find myself feeling bad for questioning our soon to be connection.

Beatrice will be a good Familier. Knowing our two families they'd probably want us to be more.

And I would like that with Beatrice. We suit each other better than anyone ever will with me.

I reach out to her, pushing a lock of her blonde hair that fell on her face, and ticked it behind her ear.

Beatrice eyes raises up at me. "Hi." I say, enjoying how flustered she looks.

Her cheeks grow an even darker shade of red as she replies, "hey, Ty."

I take those hands twiddling mindlessly into mine. "You look amazing tonight." I told her, because it is true and because I like how her whole face goes completely red.

I can be a cocky piece of shit, but when you've lived a life where you're basically the prince of Ashin fell you get accustomed to it.

I like the effect I have on Beatrice.

Beatrice opens her mouth to say something back when a hand flings across my shoulders cuts her off.

The feminine voice makes me internally groan, "what's up little dude!"

I separate my hands from Beatrice to discard the small hand from my shoulders.

"Don't call me that, I'm your elder brother you little shit." My sister rolls her eyes at my statement.

"By 4 fucking minutes Tyler! In other countries with the time difference it probably doesn't count!" She counters, with an unwilling pout on my face.

I ruffle her similar dark her with my hand, much to her disapproval. "Shit, fuck, don't touch my hair you hairless ape!"

I roll my eyes at the remark. I know, the weirdest of shits spews out of her mouth.

"Aww, Bunnex, that doesn't even make sense." I say, trying to immediate her childlike voice.

Which was a big mistake because I didn't see the punch from the little shit until I'm now clutching my stomach when midget sized she devil saunters away.

Beatrice grabs my hand, "oh my goodness Tyler, are you okay?"

I chuckle, and quickly straighten up, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of Beatrice any further than my sister has.

I wave Beatrice off with my hand. "Yeah, I'm good, her fist doesn't even hurt that much!" I yell loud enough for Bunnex to hear me.

If she did I'm not sure, but the middle finger the little bitch chatting with Ford gave me assured me that she did.

The clinging of glass and metal catches my attention and makes me turn my neck to the disturbance.

My father is standing one if the picnic table set for the ritual with a glass and a spoon in his hand.

He's smiling at everyone as he starts, "witches, and warlocks alike. Today is a very good day for us as our youngs ascend into full bred Mages.

For those who do not know this, my son, my only son, Tyler will too become a full mage today. And he shall do that bonding with Beatrice-Rose Clarence.

For those who do not intend to get bonded today. I still wish you the happiest of merriments!"

Everyone claps at his speech.

"Now!.....We may proceed with the crossover ritual…!" Everyone looks up at the sky.

The moon is full, bright, and completely out in the sky.

It's time.

The beat of the drums change into a more bass and war-like one. I turn to Beatrice and smile when I am pulled away by my Pa.

"Are you ready Tyler?" My Pa asks with a full on smile.

I want to reply but my father cuts me off, grabbing both my shoulders from behind. "A silly question, My love, of course Tyler is ready!"

Everyone looks so excited for this. I don't know what to say I'm feeling at the moment– happiness? Joy? Fear? Excitement?

Everyone makes way for my Nana to pass. She stands in the middle of everyone, under the light of the full moon.

"Hello my fellow witches, and warlocks. Not that I'm saying I'm a warlock, how ridiculous." Everyone laughs at that.

"Today is a special day. Today our youngs grow. They…."

My eyes wanders from my grandmother to Dez. He's standing behind Beatrice-Rose but towers her.

Dez's mother and father are standing at both sides of Beatrice.

As if he felt my eyes on him the fucker turn his eyes my direction, both our eyes meet.

His lips part, and they curl up into a sister lopsided grin.

I almost want to walk over to him and knock that grin right off his face.

"I pray that as they grow into maturity… They will carry the same same caution against non magic users as we have for so long."

Dez rolls his eyes at the last statement. Anger flares inside me. The disrespect!

Now I really want to walk over to him and suckerpunch him in the face. And maybe kick him in the shins while I'm at it!

"Tyler Ashin?" I snap out of my train to Dez-killville at my grandmas voice.

Beatrice is already standing next to her, and both of them have confused expressions on their faces.

How long was I plotting Destiny's death?

Dez scoff, with a knowing smile on his face. I shoot him a 'I will fucking end you Clarence' look, and he sends a 'Come and try Ashin' right back.

I swear I could hear the fuckers voice telling me that in my head as I balled my fist and walk up-to my Nana.

Nana takes my hand as she did Beatrice.

I can see Ford and Conan next to us. I almost want to crack up into a smirk as they are forced to hold each others hand.

Both idiots hate that their families have chosen them to be each other's familier.

Conan is glaring at Ford with his jaw locked, while Ford is staring disgusted at Conan.


".....Let the moon bare witness as we create and unstoppable bond today!" The drum beating is louder.

Thanks to the spell around us preventing any wandering tourists from seeing and hearing us no one is worried.

"Today let the air bare us witness!"

I stare at Beatrice already staring back at me. She's beautiful, I've known her as long as I've known Dez.

We're more alike than anyone I know. She's good for me.

Then why is my body quivering? Why I'm I so scared I'm breathing heavily?

I like Beatrice blonde hair. I like her blue eyes that are almost identical to mine.

I like everything about her. But she's not enough!

"Today we create a bond that only death can separate!"

I want one not even death can separate! The tiny voice in my head yells.

Nana has begun chanting. I can feel the shift in the air. The appearance of her magic.

The bond trying to knot between partners. I feel so scared and heavy.

Is it supposed to be this scary? I'm I supposed to be this uncertain? How can I even be?

Nana stops chanting, and I take it she's done the first part of the bonding.

I am about to retract my hand when I hear it– A whistling sound from afar. A sudden cut in the air. A blur.

I suddenly retract my hand from my nana's cackling sound echoing all over.

Laughing, cackling, different voice. I hear them.

I'm distraught seeing blurs zoom pass people, and different voices echoing.

What the hell is going on???

I body shudders as hand suddenly slams someone against a tree, followed with a snarling noise.

One of the blurs stops right in front of of me. The blurs are people?? The man doesn't look human.

He has red eyes I've never seen before. He's whole demeanor is predatory as he hunches over, baring his elongated canines at me.

I want to back away. His aura gives me chills, and makes me woozy. His aura is predatory, strong and angry.

I don't think I've ever had the kind of feeling he gives off right now.

All the blurs stop. Each taking up a predatory pose.

What's happening?

One stop in front of my grandma and the next word from her almost made me hiss.


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