


Peace and quiet are soothing feelings to be surrounded by. So why, why does no one know how to accomplish those feelings? My family are all very much extroverts, but I'm an introvert. I'm much more pleased with being home. They, love going out and meeting new people. If you meet new people, that's just more people to stab you in the back.

"Lily! We're going out for dinner. Are you sure you don't want to join us?"
"Yeah, mom. Sure. Have fun!"

Being an introvert cost me, as you will soon see. Im not the type to be afraid of monsters in my closet or murderers breaking down doors. They left for dinner (they being my family) and I (Lily) stayed home. When there was a knock on the door a short while after they left, I knew my mom probably forgot her coat. Since she gets cold really easily, she wanted it. I was wrong. As I opened the door, the back of a gun hit my temple, sending me into the wall. I passed out, but not before I felt warm liquid running down my face.

When I awoke, I was in a little room. Tied to a chair, I might add. No one was around, so I took my tied hands, and pressed the rope around my throat. Suicide. Better than torture.
© Ladybugz