
16 Reads

I’ve been waiting on you but you never shined your love on me. Why don’t you have mercy on your little soul?
We seem to be consistently waiting for something to happen. It’s somehow the paradox of life. It’s one of the reasons we are who we are. Even the impatient, waits.

With that said, the above reference is addressing what exactly?

I got this quote earlier this week and somehow, I couldn’t let it go. I wrote it down on my book of thoughts, and closed it.

I knew it meant something but I couldn’t grasp what it was. So, I decided to let it go for a time and get back to it as soon as possible, which strangely had to be on this Sunday morning.

Funny enough, this is talking on the self and not the randoms in the world. The randoms being money, fame and acclaim of people’s attention on us. This quote is dealing with the things our soul needs to be nourished.

A lot of people claim they love themselves. It’s easy to say this when you spoil yourself with something or the other.