
11 Reads

Bismillah Alrahman alrahim

it was narrated that Harithah (RA) said: Some people from Syria came to ‘Umar (RA) and said: We have acquired wealth and horses and slaves,and we want to pay zakah on them as a purification. He said: I shall do what my two predecessors did. He consulted the Companions of Muhammad (peace be upon him) among whom was ‘Ali (RA), and ‘Ali (RA) said: It is good, provided it does not become a regular tax that is taken from them after you are gone.

(Musnad Ahmad, Book 2, Hadith 1)

Your Zakah purifies your wealth. Always be strict with it as you would with other matters so as to not fall behind in what is due to others. The wisdom given was always beyond its time and meant to last forever!

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day, say Alhamdulilah before you leave and gain some rewards!
