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I am no longer interested in the acceptance of my jouney as I have been completely exposed to the reality of this world and it's rules written in blood mixed with venom born from hateful people who are dead and gone but their offspring are sworn in like rich fools and I'm tired of pretending to be less than the best of the best with no apology I walk foward to my destination where my destiny is waiting for me so no longer will I write about things other than what is going on... and exactly how I feel. So bare with me. As I settle into the ending of my jouney, the final fight of my life will be my greatest ever I need everything.... so my writing will no longer stray... exclusively I am dedicating my life to fighting the declassification of African Indians
because of slavery... So White Indians can steal our history. Because of this ruling supporting the expulsion of Blacks from government recognized Indian Tribes I am recanting my to this country and reject any classification. KYw