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our life is full of obstacles, there seems happiness comes for a very short time period and again we have to face some difficulties. And the things is when the difficulties brought by our very close one, it's unbearable painful process. you have to keep trust in yourself and be confident enough to stand tall again,
someone told me once, " you already read your story script, before you send here, in this human body and then you signed the agreement paper, so don't stuck with the pain, you are an actor here, just keep walk ahead and do your best, happiness, sadness will come and go. you soul know it's own worth and strength that's why you have to give your best to complete your soul purpose. And the most importantly, your haters, your enemies, the people who are giving you hardship, they're also send by following the same process alike you. "...
after that I realized the meaning of "Forgiveness". I strongly believe that sometimes there will be few dead ends on my paths but my promise keeper's always will be prasent there for me with their strong helping hands.
#life #lights #Time #starlights #confidence #Believeingod