
14 Reads


Truly, I feel irritated...

Whenever I see people showering sympathy, mostly it feels to be just on the surface level, because no one is going to help you, they'll all say, “it's okay, you deserve better, I hope for your best,” but deep inside you know those words don't make you feel relieved for long, you have to solve your problems yourself.

And the more they pity you, the more you believe that you are pitful, which makes you feel as if all the things you endured were meant to be, just to receive a sense of fake comfort, and that overall, makes you believe, “you deserved that, because you are supposed to.” It's like if those haven't happened, those sympathisers wouldn't have even glanced at you.

So, I say psychologically, I think it develops a kind of superiority and inferiority complex between the giver and the receiver respectively.

Don't accept that cheap pity. Million people will look at your wounds, but if you never had that wound to begin with, they won't even remember you. Don't make your own sufferings justified. Prove that, that either with or without them, there is a you, who can do anything...

(Nothing personal, only a thought, or my view...)