
6 Reads

Are you desperately waiting to discover your purpose in life? Are you failing to see the omens laid out for you? Is the present too intimidating to trespass in the thoughts of the future goals? Are you really happy with yourself?
Most people avoid asking these questions simply because they fear confronting the answers they might get or they really are scared to undergo such a big change or maybe the decision itself is too controversial to make.
I haven't found my purpose, but I have goals like many of you might have; not laid out but self explored.
I am growing maybe with pauses and delays but I am growing. Sometimes it's hard to stay on the road that seems to lead nowhere but I have hope and it drives me further. It's easy to stop, rest and not think about the road ahead. Sometimes when we stop, we feel it's okay not to go any farther. It's bewitching. Very fascinating to think about life on the road. Too real to be a mirage, the mind desires.